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 Jan 2022 Miss She
Zack Ripley
We all make mistakes. It's just a fact.
So why beat yourself up when it seems someone's always ready to kick you
when you're down?
Give the fires in your head a chance to die.
The stress and fear already make you
want to cry. But you know what?
It's okay to take a minute
and try to forgive yourself.
To let yourself off the hook.
Because you aren't responsible for everything that happens in your life.
And one more thing.
Remember that you'll never get the full story
on the first look.
 Dec 2016 Miss She
David Lessard
In the throes of Heartbreak Canyon,
I came across a fellow rover;
he spoke of his undying love,
while she told him, it was over.
We shared the lonely miles together,
and talked about, the pits of hell;
he was a spectacle of plight,
a man in torment...I as well.
Yet there are hurts that can't be shared,
and there are words that can't be spoken;
there's only emptiness of souls,
when two loving hearts are broken.
Lost in a wasteland, nothing grows,
the ground beneath you... shaking;
and you've no solace from a friend,
a sorry world of your own making.
Here's where Heartbreak Canyon is,
it's in the canyons of your mind;
where misery replaces love,
lost with souls of your own kind.
 Dec 2016 Miss She
Kenn Rushworth
I drowned in the history of China,
In text and torn genes,
Immersed in yellow rivers and red books
and sought refuge in Kowloon,
Practiced medicine within the wall,
All to find you.
To have a hand grace your shoulder
On a pavement in England,
And tell you where you’re from,
And that it doesn’t matter
Inspired by a verse in Li-Young Lee's 'Furious Versions', my fiancée, and the search for identity.
Whatever this is, it's very quintessential
Stolen glances
A brush of the skin
Whispered sweet nothings
gone in the wind
A show or two of *******
This is mine, i am man
But do not touch
When out she holds her hand
Feigning sacrifice
She wonders if you're true
She looks longingly
everytime, everytime
She dares look at you
You seem to enjoy this too much
This yo-yo of which you play
The pain and self degradation
You seem to cause her
with words you don't say
So forgive my language
It's not going to be nice
**** or get off the ***
*you may be in someone else's way
For the love of God!! Please just make up your mind!

— The End —