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Sep 2021 · 4.0k
Wanderingsoul Sep 2021
Eyes so deep, you could drown
Felt like seeing a queen with a crown
She looked like she was in a foreign land
Broke away from a life that was bland
Smiling like a fool but was aware too
A big responsibility, only taken by a few
She was ready to take the next step
Now all that was left was for her to prep
It's about me... I'm my own muse
Aug 2021 · 542
Wanderingsoul Aug 2021
What do I even owe to you?
The stories you brew,
Were from your side
Now let me tell mine, now go hide!
You broke my heart, and only told lies
I didn't have a clue, but now I despise
Every moment I ever thought of you
I thought you did the same, it wasn't true
Told I didn't gave "us" a chance
When I was purely in trance
But I wish you know, how happy I'm now,
And I  wish someday you'll too only have love to endow.
Aug 2021 · 370
Wanderingsoul Aug 2021
Dreamt about you last night
Remembered everything about you
Like we didn't stop talking three years ago
It still pains to this day though
Apr 2021 · 618
Door chimes
Wanderingsoul Apr 2021
Everytime the door chimes
It makes me remember the times
When you didn't give a dime
And made me think i committed a crime,
When i let you go
But now my heart an earthquake you know
You made it so easy to leave
And made me believe
That i was the problem all along
But did we ever belong?
Dec 2020 · 140
Wanderingsoul Dec 2020
Caught my own reflection one day
Broke the mirror the other day
Thought i could be there for myself
But i just stare at those antidepressant on the shelf .
Look out for people to talk
But my privacy got block
Afraid they be seeing what am hiding
And it's honestly freighting
Gonna take lot of bad memories to my grave
So am gonna be this remorseful till that date.
Sep 2020 · 130
Wanderingsoul Sep 2020
Cried and cried all night
Looking for a day that will be bright
With just me and my inner peace
I did grew out of you, i don't miss
All the time that i spent with you
Rather i came as anew
Though i do hope you will get the one who i couldn't be
But maybe i did find someone right for myself , that's me.
Sep 2020 · 170
Wanderingsoul Sep 2020
Failed once, failed twice
But be optimistic, that's the advice
I wonder, when I'm allowed to cry
And finally let go, and open my eye
To accept the way I'm, with flaws,
And Imperfections all around cause
I am not comfortable with winning
Yet, I'm really alright with failing once again.
Sep 2020 · 104
Wanderingsoul Sep 2020
The eyes dont lie.
Try as you may,
Your eyes will show the words
That your mouth struggles to say.

The eyes don't lie,
So when i see your smile i see the truth.
Sometimes i wish i was blind.
Aug 2020 · 95
Little bird
Wanderingsoul Aug 2020
It was raining, the little bird was in a hurry
To find a shelter, he was really worry
Finally when he saw a banyan tree
He sighed in relief and couldn't control his glee
There were 3 other birds, all were alike
When he approached them, he was disliked
They told the little bird to go away
Because the tree was only for them to stay
The little bird was confused and asked why
They told him he was different and should try
And be more like them, otherwise bid goodbye
The little bird was sad but he took his flight
For rather he be free and fly high in the sky
Then be told to change and later cry.
Aug 2020 · 92
Wanderingsoul Aug 2020
Looking at the timeline
Seeing you with me doing all the good deeds and the crimes
You were with me regardless of any circumstances
But the irony is that you were just a shadow every time I glanced....
Jun 2020 · 108
Wanderingsoul Jun 2020
They say we're crazy
We're useless
 And making stupid excuses
 That we are hopeless romantics
  But we do know what a heart is
  It burns when it cracks
  It really burns
  Please take me away
Someone to have my back, I need that one... I need....
Jun 2020 · 132
Devil's Time
Wanderingsoul Jun 2020
It was 2:00 am, when that occurred
Saw you burning, right in front of my eyes
Not sure, if what I saw, was a mirage
But your screams stated otherwise
2:30 am, saw you lay there in the ground
It wasn't really you, but just brunt ashes
Oh! How I wished, you wouldn't have saw me
Not at that period of time
Why, my love, you had to see the real me
That I tried so hard to conceal
But, why didn't you understand
That I killed them for our future and safety
They tried to take you away from me
How could I even let that happen, tell me
But, then you had to interfere and ruin my plan
Now, where do I go, from here all alone, at 3:00 am
May 2020 · 116
Wanderingsoul May 2020
You have potential! They said
I smiled and shooked my head
For I forgot who I am or rather was
After they told me, I was in a rush

You can reach the sky! They exclaimed
I smiled and yet again
Thought of those dreams, that they said were petty
And forced me into reality

You can be limitless! They tried once again
I smiled for the last time ,
Remembering the times, when I was really one
But alas! I locked myself and didn't try  ever again.
Mar 2020 · 120
Wanderingsoul Mar 2020
The sky is indeed blue ,
The land is alas! suffering from a flu.
People awaits for some ray of hope
But the fear had everyone *****.
Not roaming or going outside and acting like a team,
We will make sure, it was just a bad dream.
Mar 2020 · 136
Wanderingsoul Mar 2020
Ran towards you today,
But you pushed me away.
But I will pursue you tomorrow too,
I won't let you (dreams) slip away, just because it's something very few can do
Mar 2020 · 111
Wanderingsoul Mar 2020
Looking at the timeline
Seeing you with me doing all the good deeds and the crimes
You were with me regardless of any circumstances
But the irony is that you were just a shadow every time I glanced....
Mar 2020 · 91
Mrs. William's Daughter
Wanderingsoul Mar 2020
Mrs. William's daughter wants to study further
But she won't allow,  cause it will be a bother
She herself, couldn't get past "nine"
And surely won't allow her daughter to outshine
Or maybe it's merely because her mother did the same
Thus, following the same path, she didn't have any shame.
The cycle continues
Mar 2020 · 163
Wanderingsoul Mar 2020
Sat there, while it was pouring
Was drenched, but he was grinning
For he was able to provide shelter to the abandoned "pets"
While he himself was homeless.
Feb 2020 · 101
Fairy tale
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
I-I-I can't breathe...
"Stop Mary!  stop choking me!"
I woke up with a ****
Looked around and chuckled seeing her sleeping near me, ghostly pale
"Oh dear Mary , you didn't change even though you are dead, oh well, while you sleep peacefully now, I will tell you about a fairy tale ".
Feb 2020 · 120
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
I am loved
So are you
Happy Valentine's Day to you too
Feb 2020 · 121
Alternate universe
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
"Did you hear about him,  Zing?"
"I did, I mean he did that thing!"
"Oh dear! That poor wife, so unfortunate, wearing his ring"
"I know right?! If it were me, I wouldn't dare think of going out and working"
"That wife faced such humiliation, because of that silly Ewing"
"But atleast she will get another husband soon, cause she got that bling!"
In an alternate universe.....
Feb 2020 · 100
Tick tock tick tock
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
Time... Tick tock tick tock
It goes on
On and on
Without stopping
Like the way I left you and
Moved on... Tick tock tick tock
Feb 2020 · 112
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
You giggled ,when I asked you ,your name
Didn't quite understand , why,  back then
You giggled ,when I asked you to be my friend
That time, I knew, our friendship was never gonna end
You giggled, when I asked you to be my girlfriend
But Our friendship never ended...
You giggled, when I proposed to you, to be my wife,
I knew I was hitting a jackpot atleast once in my life
You giggled, when I asked you about names for our daughter
When she was born, she made our lives brighter
But didn't understand why you giggled while bedridden
After you left us, all alone, grief-stricken.
Smile and smile and smile
Feb 2020 · 111
Wanderingsoul Feb 2020
Nothing is left in this world anymore
The lives stopped altogether
The trees are gone so are the buds
The rivers dried up
Everything fell apart , it's in press
From the moment we cared less.
Read it from bottom to top or top to bottom, you get the message
Jan 2020 · 115
Wanderingsoul Jan 2020
Saw him standing at the end of the cliff
Mere human, just wanting to be killed
Not by me, but by the world, the one in which he was born  
Cause that what you do, when you mourn.
Jan 2020 · 120
Longing for something
Wanderingsoul Jan 2020
I was longing, for something
For something, for so long,
That I forgot, what I had
In the first place, it was my bad.

I was longing, for something
For something, for so long,
That I forgot, who I was,
an innocent, beautiful soul, it was my loss

I was longing, for something
For something, for so long,
That I forgot, what I even longed
Happiness? Yeah, but my method was wrong.
Jan 2020 · 112
All alone
Wanderingsoul Jan 2020
Saw you looking at me
Right across the room
Your eyes staring deep into my soul
And your smile still lingering on your face ...

Smiled right back at ya
Smirking along with it
Remember the times ,
Now the tables have turned ....

The liquor did burn more now going down my throat
You kept on looking at me, to see me crumble down once more
But alas I won't,  for now I am stronger than ever
And have learned to live by myself, all alone.
Oct 2019 · 141
Wanderingsoul Oct 2019
Very often we don't want the harsh reality  
Us being addicted to the world of imagination, full of glittery
Lonely, that's what, we have become
None to call as, our's, we are unwelcome
Each moment that hurts so bad
Remember that no one here is actually trapped
And it's us, what we want our life to,
Be ,full of joy or sorrow, others ?who?
Lastly don't ever forget your self worth
Energize the inner you, and be down to earth
Oct 2019 · 158
Not being one
Wanderingsoul Oct 2019
I am sorry, I couldn't be the one
The one perfect daughter
That you thought of me, mother

I am sorry, I couldn't be the one
The obedient and innocent daughter
That you thought of me, father

I am sorry, I couldn't be the one
The inspiring big sister
That you thought of me, little brother

I am sorry  I couldn't be the one
The one who didn't lose hope in the darkest of times
That I thought of myself, once upon a time...
Oct 2019 · 193
The moments
Wanderingsoul Oct 2019
The moment you open your eyes
You see her and she cries
Not because she is sad or something
But because she loves you more than anything
The moment you take your first step
She is proud and surely excited
There she goes thinking all the great deeds
That you are going to do in your future indeed
The moment you spell out your first word
She is filled with joy and prays to Lord
She pray for you, day and night
Never for herself, but for her, that's alright
The moment you tell her about your success
She smiled as she is filled with happiness
She knew you could do it without a doubt
But she might not have told you aloud
The moment even when she is leaving the earth
There's no one else but you in her heart
She is whom you call MOTHER
Dear Lord, why couldn't she stay with me a bit longer?

— The End —