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 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
Many masks
Many names,
By choice...

Mask over mask
Bereft of skin
Dare not reveal
What is underneath...

the only way
I dare
I live...

Rawness, nakedness
Unplastered walls.
Debris, wreckage,
where's my mask

Who are you,
who makes me wonder,
who makes me ponder.
Something I never asked before...

**Who am I
Deep in a cavern there lived a troll
Who coveted the light instead of gold
He lurked in the darkness behind the trees
Searching for light in all he could see
He thought that he'd discovered the light years ago
But his pixie girl said that she had to go
So this time he's waiting until he's sure
This time his light must have more to allure
Beauty and grace but mostly a soul
To bring the warmth of love to the troll
Each lady that passed he took to his lair
To see if more than her face was fair
But each one was lacking so after each pillage
He returned the vapid girls to their village
But one day a lady from a far away place
Walked by on the trail near his hiding place
He almost let her pass him by
Sure she'd be like the others he'd tried
But something inside forced his hand to reach out
He dragged her to his cave with a shout
She smiled because how could the troll know
That she'd been a troll not long ago
They talked and they laughed, the troll taking it slow
Deep inside he felt his heart start to glow
As he realized her elegance was partly a show
And that their hearts beat in perfect time with each other
Finally he took her as his lover
He felt himself going through a transformation
He no longer felt like his fate was damnation
He held the girl close and looked in her eyes
What he saw reflected was a surprise
No longer a troll, but a prince with red hair
He knew it was time to abandon his lair
The lady and prince emerged into the night
They walked hand in hand beneath the moonlight
He told her she'd saved him but she smiled and claimed
That he was the one who'd loosened her chains
My first attempt at a story-poem...inspired by a poem by Xan Abyss
I am
Long hair and swinging hips
With natural pouty lips
A smile that hides my intellect
A piercing gaze you can't forget

I am
Long legs with large soft thighs
With yellow flecked eyes
The sweetest of your dreams
The nightmares that evoke screams

I am
The girl with the skull tattoo
Who wants more too
The bringer of your pain
Who only wants the same.

I am
She who died inside
Until you made me rise
Loosely inspired by Maya Angelou's "I Rise"
In the
of a soul...

I have ever done ill,
it is only because
I have been ill.
Wrote this on the inside of a book on Zen I own. Funny concept, in itself.
I shall concern myself
with neither
the past nor the future
right now:

The past culminates in the present,
and the present is the gateway to the future:

I'm going to learn and anticipate,
but, most of all,
I'm going to live
right now.
Be kind to unkind people;
you have your bad days too.
One, willing to change,
experiences many lives
before their mortal shell
ceases to function.

A coward, however,
experiences perhaps one.
 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
you were seen walking through
those years you have forgotten
someone tried to tell you something
many things not relevant
you made many minds up
without even trying
and your own mind made many a decision
this is your unique reality
the sum of all that thinking
 Oct 2014 Michael Amery
SG Holter
It is cold, it is raining.
But no, I don't care.
A matter of hours,
My girl, and I'm there.

We'll sit under blanket,
We'll watch the rains fall.
Sipping at glasses, and
Sharing it all;

The sound of the storm
As it dances around.
The skyfuls of water
That pound at the ground.

Come winter and wind,
They will not see me frown.
An interesting thing
About weather, I've found:

I never get cold, whether
Rainstorm or snow.
Within it with you,
I'm the warmest I know.
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