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MichaelC Dec 2019
Everyday open your eyes with gratitude,
The habits and expectation of society can’t sour our attitude.
Choose the joy over the stress
and remember you are loved and blessed.
Even the bad was rooted in good,
It just got twisted and misunderstood.
So smile and Brighten souls that choose to see,
You will feel it’s beauty because with a smile the heart is free.
Mar 2019 · 173
Girl I know
MichaelC Mar 2019
There’s a girl I know,
To her my thoughts always go.
She’s so beautiful in every way,
I can’t wait to talk to her everyday.
When she smiles I go weak,
Completely lost for words it’s impossible to speak.
She teases me with a text or two,
My mind gets stuck as if she’s glue.
I think about her day and night,
I don’t even need pictures I can’t get her out of my sight.
If only I had the words to speak directly to her heart,
Maybe together we could mend two lives that had separately fallen apart.
I can never think of the right thing to say,
I just hope the wait isn’t to long and she doesn’t get away...
May 2018 · 262
What’s Inside
MichaelC May 2018
Words can be shallow,
Or they can be deep.
Their meanings may be instant,
Or in your mind they slowly creep.
The expressions meant in the writings,
We don’t always see.
The meanings may be different for you,
Than they are for me.
These words I write and read,
They are the way out.
For all my emotions,
Love, fear, joy, and doubt.
God’s will and way is often,
More than we can understand.
But like the sending of his Son,
He always has a greater plan.
I will keep writing,
Even when there is no one to read.
This is how he works in me,
To fulfill my every need.
Find his spirit,
That inside you already lives.
For there is the key,
To recovery, happiness, love, and all that he gives.
May 2018 · 235
Good morning
MichaelC May 2018
Good morning beautiful open you eyes,
Feel the wonderful warmth of the sunrise.
A new day has come again,
Your beautiful smile is the light of the very room your in,
Take this day grasp it in your hand,
And know you take beauty everywhere you stand.
Apr 2018 · 988
Beautiful In Every Way
MichaelC Apr 2018
Her hair is so dark,
And her eyes so bright.
A smile so beautiful,
It gives off light.
Gorgeous to see but beautiful within,
Intelligent, sassy, and bold.
She takes the time to share a smile,
In a world that can be so cold.
She is beautiful in every way,
I just wanted to say thank you,
For being a part of my da.
Apr 2018 · 728
Your Love
MichaelC Apr 2018
Your love is unique,
Your love is pure.
Your love gives me strength,
Your love enables me to endure.

Your love guides me through the darkness,
Your love gives cure to doubt.
Your love is never ending,
Your love is what life is about.

Your love I can see,
Your love Lord is the light,
Your love keeps me durring the day,
Your love gives me rest at night.

— The End —