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 Nov 2018 Micah G
Ashly Kocher
A bag full of laughs
A bucket full of tears
Just some of the emotions
We collect throughout the years
 Nov 2018 Micah G
 Nov 2018 Micah G
You're the one,
I want to keep,
And hold in my heart,
Till I fall to dust,
Just as hard as I've fallen for you.
I was sad to see someone taking credit for this poem on their page. But I hope everyone knows I wrote it. :/
 Nov 2018 Micah G
I let different boys touch me
Because I wanted to know
Even for a second
What it felt like to be loved
Even if the love was cheap
And it tasted like ***
Like the punchline to a joke
I never got because it was me

I let different boys have different parts of me
Parts they didn't deserve
But I offered up willingly because I couldn't give anything else
after you broke me
I was looking for different fingers
to place different pieces and hoping  the outcome
would be a masterpiece
Maybe one of them would find a way
to cover up the handprints you left all over me

I let different boys touch me because I had to prove to myself
you wouldn't be the only one
that these scars marking my body wouldn't define
my worth to be loved
I am not entirely sure  
you aren't the only one who could ever touch me without slightly  flinching

I let different boys touch me because that is all I have been taught
To be a joke
To be silent
To be ready to give until you have nothing left
- they keep leaving me and I am to scared to offer up anything more than my body to get them to stay
 Nov 2018 Micah G
Tony Anderson
Sometimes a good cry is all we need
To wash away the darkness
So our souls can be clean
Then our souls sparkle
with a happy  gleam

Sometimes a good cry is all we need
The heart grows dark
sometimes dark as can be
we open the floodgates
and let the cleaning start
Now we have a happy heart

To cry
To wash out the inside
To push the darkness of life away
So we can move on to brighter things
 Nov 2018 Micah G
You must do it the right way
YOUR way is the only write way

They say nothing rhymes with orange
Well I am here to encourage

Yeah, go ahead and laugh at it
You don’t even know the half of it

Our poetry is for us, ourselves
Whether you’re ninety nine, or twelve

We commune within our souls
Another etch upon our scrolls

Our soul inverted, exposed
Something only we compose

Don’t ever be discouraged
Your writing is encouraged!
HePo seems to be a very positive place for poets, but for those of you who have dealt with negativity about your poems, this is for you.

Also, for you critics out there, this is only my second “rap” poem so be nice plz. ;)
Positives feedback is of course always encouraged. :)
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