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IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
I have dreamed a dream
Deep inside of me
Of pulling souls from the grave
Breaking chains off the slave
Be brave.
There isn't much time left.
Secrets cannot be kept
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
I will have your head!
Now alive...
Soon to be dead.
  Dec 2014 IsReaL E Summers
They tell me the sky is blue
Then why does it make  me so happy?

They say not to take things so literal
Then why do they get so upset?

If they want me to be honest
Why must I think before I speak?

Why are the only ideas of yours, they agree with.
Come from their  books?

Why is freedom of speech,
silenced once heard?

Why does history never change ou world
When we all live in a highly evolving society?

Why are we killing our brothers and sisters?

Why do we say we are civilized?

Why do we only care, when someone is staring at us?

Why do we only care, when we are the victim?
IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
We breathe in green oxygen
as earth swallows poison
And the cycle begins again
Formed from of clay
Breathed into one day
Transmutation of dirt and freewill
So take a breath, breathe
We do until death
And then sigh for relief
or gasp for whats left
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2014
Invoices received.
Aristocratic atrocities of hypocrisy
Thier voices mock & decieve
Place thier stock in your creed
Cash your check and then leave
No wonder you don't believe!
Through this;
What has been achieved?
Wheres your heart?
On your sleeve?!
If life is pain,
whats it mean to relieve?!
"HERE! just take (2) aleve,
And when it's over you'll see
What I need you to be."
   -thee enemy
You might notice the same line "aristocratic atrocities of hypocrisy" from "sell block see" its because I stole it from this in order to better articulate the music of poetry... in doing so, the meaning was opaque and cloudy, but the music and flow were nice. (Needs work)
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2014
Here I sit
In an empty watering hole
For tidal waves
I see myself
Through vivid imagery
I'm freed.
Though mountains hover over me...
Just beyond's the Sea.
Mullberry waves
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