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 Jun 2015 McNe
If only
 Jun 2015 McNe
If only you could look at me
They way i look at you
If only you could love me
The way i love you
If only you feel about me
The way i feel about you
If only i make you happy
The way you make me happy
If only you smile at me
the way i smile at you
If i only you want me
How much i want you
If only you desire me
How much i desire you
If only you were mine
 Jun 2015 McNe
 Jun 2015 McNe
Sometimes the days are abysmal
I see no hope
But I think I should hope
Hoping that it would get better
For I feel guilty
That someone else in my place
Would do much better
 Jun 2015 McNe
Rainey Birthwright
in a meadow on the bluffs
little stars clutch clinging
to earth and sky all for us
the eye. petals are rolling
in on misty winds surprise
more for the eyes, and all
of meadow so live above
is tapestry higher than sea
colours meshing with leaves
birds, bees, faces of flower
scents of sweetness in air
a patch of ground bursting
for you and me with poetry
 Jun 2015 McNe
marvin m brato
Sudden death came to me this hour.
I expected to die but not this moment:
When I am on the height of my prime,
my family  celebrates my promotion,
my nurse son just turned regular staff,
my daughter is second year college today,
my grandson attended his first day in school,
so much good things I had to witness and feel glad!

My colleague would give an eulogy for me:
my boss will speak of my contributions to the office,
my assistant would be saying how  I lead by example,
my interns would remember how kind I taught them,
my mentors would mention how cooperative I am,
others would mention I gave them acrostic poems,
over-all they would say I am a good person and talented.

My family would be teary eyed to gave their individual eulogy:
my mother would be first to say "she loves me very much"
my father would not say much but agree to my mom's testimony,
my brothers and sisters would say how much I cared for them,
my wife would seconded my mom's emotional statement ,
my children would surely say " We will miss you daddy"

But, if i could answer them all from where I lay now
I will say to them " I am not perfect, I just did what any good mortal person does"
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