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Sep 2020 · 222
WE're fine
Mazikeen Sep 2020
My second self is explicit
Her bad thoughts are submissive
She always comes around
For unexpected visits
Breaking the limits in minutes
Suspicious and vicious sounds
A beat that's beating me down
Concepts that confound
I hold my ground and insist
This clever stalker persists
She turns then twists & grinds
How can I fight the beast
That hides inside my mind?
Sep 2020 · 278
Mazikeen Sep 2020
Post traumatic, I can still feel the panic
Attacks in my visions, contained in my attic
Constant pressure, can't control my intentions
How can I be so impatient?
Losing the base of my basement.
I cannot breathe under water
The heavy weights dragging further
Should I still hope for the better
After all that has happened?
Look at the damage I've caused
I'm making everything worse
This dark force is taking over, I'm lost
I miss the person I was.
I hear you...
Sep 2020 · 453
Worlds apart
Mazikeen Sep 2020
My thoughts, sinking in Hades realm
Reaching the bottom, I'm under pressure
Don't surrender, I whisper to myself
Afraid of my obsessions taking over
If silence interferes with judgment
My sanctuary risks exposure
If you could only see my reality in action
The shifting ground, the constant noises
The voices chanting hate
The shadows that haunt the light
Looting oxygen and faith
And yet I still have a bit of strength
Hanging in there and here waiting
For better days to come.
I see you, I hear you.

— The End —