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18.2k · Aug 2014
Love versus Money (10WP)
MaYJa Aug 2014
Money cant buy Love, and Love cant buy bread either.
Be wise in your thinking
15.6k · Jul 2014
Sexy (10 W)
MaYJa Jul 2014
''You can still look **** without potraying *** in pictures''
6.9k · Jul 2014
A Knight Without A Castle
MaYJa Jul 2014
. . . I have been seeking a new kingdom to call home and your heart, like a castle hides behind great walls,
where both the strong and weak share embarassing flaws.
Unlike just any castle, yours is not on top of a great hill,
nor in the midist of a forest beyond where the waters chill,
its right infront of everyones face who decides to pay attention,
funny that many by pass it because they never seek it, but are ever seeking attention.
Unlike in fairytales, its guarded by pride, humbleness, care and a huge ego,
it rages against anyone who tries to love and care for it, but when it loves back, it never lets go.
Like any castle out there, forcing yourself in will hurt both you and those in it,
the hours you'll take destroying can not be compared to the years you'll take rebuilding it.

So I made up my mind to stand at the gates of these great walls, perfectly built brick for brick,
to proclaim my honour and loyalty for you,to make a promise and stick to it,
because I would rather help you guard it, than play pirate to break down your walls.
So Knight me your majesty, as I report for duty to guard and protect everything that lays behind your great walls. . .
. . . let me make it my new home. . .
1.5k · Sep 2014
My Battle
MaYJa Sep 2014
this battle was won before the benining
or lemme say before Genesis,
yeah; I prolly sound crazy
to be saying this.
But See, before Jesus came
God already saw beyond Revelation,
everything was pre-destined to be perfect
even after mans own manipulation.

So all this you see today
and discribe as a radical revolution
was foreseen before time by God as a Chosen genaration,
way back before Adam called himself man
God already saw the possibility of his fall,
dont take me wrong though,
God never intended for man to fall.
He created Him with free will,
gave him the ability to choose between cold or hot,
so we cant blame God for our stone cold hearts,
or for times we literally decide to obey him not;
we were designed to be victors,
not victims that will never live in HIS glory,
we were created to be saints,
even though we pay alot of attention to sin when it comes to our personal life story.

Wait, wait, wait,

dont you find it ironic, that in genesis 1:28,
right after creating man God doesnt tell them to worship him?
Instead be fruitfull, multiply and subdue; conquer
to mention a few; Is what he tells them; cant you see we were meant to be like him.
thats why even Christ on earth as man
Would still exercise all the power and authority man was given,
He didnt need a glorious face like Moses to be noticed,
Or a fancy crown of a king for our sins to be forgiven,
all HE needed was preaching and practising the Fathers life
in each and every step he took; thats why He conquered
The same world He created He died for, and His love for us
kept him on that cross nailed and brutally totured.
Same way the walls of Jericho came down when Joshua and the troops shouted
So did Christ reclaim the world back to us when He shouted 'it is Finished',
the story doesnt end there though, like in the times of Noah He had to go and
prepare more than an ark for us; from the sound of that am relieved.

See, this is the reason I smile everyday
When I look at the picture of the king Jesus,
Seated on the right hand of the Father
for I understand why he was broken to pieces,
I refuse to live a life any less than what I was created to be
due to personal ignorance
Instead I make sure I maximize each and everyday
Leaving no room for negative activities tolarance,
I watch my talking, walking and what I put into my mind to a point were
Psychology certifies am suffering from an uncommon madness,
Thats funny though, I dont understand the reason
They judge me based on there on weakness,
Fear! One of the feelings I never experience
I look striaght into the eye of a storm and say,
'do your worst; I dare you,
I will never raise my fist up
because my God is there too!'
I am more than David with a sling shot,
even more than Solomon, David, Joshua and Goliath combined dude,
I have Christ in me, yes the resurected Messiah dwells within my soul,
So I fought this battle too, and it was over before it even started,
**I just had to remind you!
Deep from the heart to my readers. This is me

— The End —