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 Feb 7 Lucid
 Feb 7 Lucid
Fate is such a weird thing
Two people
two completely different lives
Find each other
Simply when the universe decides
I was young and lost
You were older and the same
I was stuck in a cycle of toxicity
Unable to break free of the chains
Until that fateful day
When we went out for that drive
And I fell in love so quickly
For once I wasn’t blind
Fate brought you to me
And nothing will ever change my mind
I’ll forever be completely shocked at how far my life has come since I met you
 Feb 7 Lucid
Arthur Vaso
Inside a single tear
       love sat quietly
          eternal silence
              the tear became two
so that love could
             dance then die
in a dream
 Feb 7 Lucid
 Feb 7 Lucid
If I could reply,
without the pain.

If I were bold,
to break these chains.

It would be as,
If I could fly,
in heaven sky,
to stop time’s sigh.
We all wish heaven, don't we?
 Feb 7 Lucid
sandra wyllie
and where he lives
his favorite color cobalt
blue, the bars he'd visited,
and the few women he went

there with. I know his breathing
when he sleeps is uneven and
the secrets that he keeps. Because
he talks in his sleep. I know

the musk he wears, and
that he hasn't underwear in his
bedroom drawers, just a bunch of
mismatched socks. I know the

pounds he can bench, his favorite
food, Indian. And who he voted for
president. I know his name. But today
as he walked by he didn't stop or say hi.
Hearts beat, hearts hurt, hearts break.
I can’t help but think—how much can I take?

The heart that beats is the heart that hurts.
The heart that hurts is the heart that breaks.
But I’ve learned through my heart that beats,
my heart that hurts, my heart that breaks—
that with it all, it still awakes.
We are prisoners
And these are the end days,
For me, because of my age,
For you, because of a world
That has never broken free
From greed and selfishness.
See you in hell.
 Feb 7 Lucid
Your Name
 Feb 7 Lucid
"love" and "left" rhyme the same
 Feb 7 Lucid
"The sky is vibrant as ever; the thunderclouds aren't visible anymore.
The uncertainty, the acceptance—
I stand still under this vibrant and lively sky, letting my gaze wander around.
I have been here before, I have seen it before.
I have been soaked by the rain and tamed by the wind.
The profound beauty of it all has left me in awe."
 Feb 7 Lucid
Hiba Mubashir
Don't let the negativity rise
Burn up the fire of positive vibes
The dark night of sorrows, worries and difficulties which you fright
Will soon turn into a joyful sunrise

Never shed tears for things you fear
One day all pathways would be clear.
             By:Hiba Mubashir
 Feb 7 Lucid
Fatema Aj
Can you feel my love
Roots rising from underneath the ground
Reaching for you, through you
Rekindling our veins and following our hearts desire
For true love can’t be a Lier,

Divine union, said the whispers
That was the gift after the blisters
Attaining Conviction,
Was part of the lesson

Can you feel, my love?
Foot secure, hand in hand
Mending of a void
No longer paranoid
Did you notice that too, my love?

Been a year my love
Drowning in tears, and the sun
Rises in peace my love
Feet in fear and rust
Nurture the love I must
Gusts fills in for the silence and frust
Did you notice that too, my love?

Can you feel my love?
Roots rising from underneath the ground
Reaching for you, nothing taken for granted
Rekindle our veins and follow our hearts desire
For true love can’t tier?
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