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Jules Harper Oct 2022
The fullness my heart feels
The unspoken genuineness
The love human appeals
My chest spills endless

The joy of the admired
I reciprocated deeply
Smallest thing’s all that’s required
To make one truly happy

Having been longing for this
My brain was always clogged
But without any lack of his
My mind’s fully unblocked

For genuine love in me
Still lives deep down somewhere
To know there’s still a piece
My life’s restarting from there
For Keith, Fran, KF and BF

Relearning what it’s like to genuinely feel happy for someone. Not that it has never happened before, it’s more like I have never realized how genuine that feeling actually is, how intense I have always felt it for the people I love, and how people I love also have the same feelings for me watching me grow up and finally be happy.
Jules Harper Sep 2022
Toy plane flying
Yellow is playful
For sliders queuing
Wanting all the thrills

Life worth living
What’s waiting ahead
Deep breath, leaping
Look back to my friends

Kids keep fighting
All for turn table
One start crying
Other walk the road

Parents’re watching
Tourists getting lost
Higher swinging
Pigeons leave their flocks

Many’s happening
In the park of mind
So overwhelming
But I know I’ll do just fine
First time moving away from home. It’s for only 3 months but it’s surreal and overwhelming. Love the freedom but also scared of the possibilities. I know I can do it swiftly, I just cannot help but be anxious.
Jules Harper Sep 2022
The clock keeps ticking.
Inevitable sunrise,
Diamonds are melting.
Jules Harper Aug 2022
how much courage
do i need
only to live
just one day more
Jules Harper Aug 2022
Time walks so slow yet leaps so fast
No passion fire in human soul last
That we all want accomplishments
But no more time be for we to lend

Time walks so slow yet leaps so high
Will never be enough for us to bind
Though every once we find someone
All relationship will once be done

Time walks so slow yet leaps so far
No way can we collect all in a jar
Moments arrive and fly away
Left with us are just the counting days

Time walks so slow yet leaps so cruelly
Like water flows going eternally
Never swimming back up the stream
Only way to resist waits in our dream
Jules Harper Aug 2022
Can one know what the middle feels like
Can one ever know what is just right
To not be too much and make all the mess
To be just enough and not a thing less

Can one know where to end the flow
Can one ever wake up and know
To not drag out way too far and long
To not shorten it and make all go wrong

Can one know when to stop feeling
Can one ever realize if it is teeming
To not let love overflow from heart
To not be empty that it's ripped apart

Can one know what they are doing
To not let life go in time a-flying
Prompt: teem (v.) to be full of that thing, or to have much of that thing inside

I reviewed one piece I wrote about how being in the middle ***** before reposting this one here. Me at 21 y/o realizes how the middle and I are in a love-hate relationship. One aspect of being in the middle kills me, the other aspect, which I'm still working to be in, keeps me dreaming of one day.
Jules Harper Aug 2022
A house is where I find myself in
Any place is great for amazing masker
A house is where I fit myself in
Anything can work for an adapter

Long way from home I have always been
No sorrow, no remorse, just emptiness
Long days and nights it has always been
Not sad or mad, but no happiness

Never realized the hole inside of me
Been trying to live my days to the fullest
Now realized how depressing things be
None of the work I did actually worth it

Be it I'm done from the rushed life
Back home to where I can breathe
Walking slower and having long drive
Back home to where heart can beat

A Farm near Duivendrecht, here I am
Standing alone amongst the nature
The sight of gigantic, green grassland
Where I left behind, before I was mature

To the days I forgot to appreciate
To the windblows I forgot to soak in
To the times I forgot to lie aback laid
To the work I did to forget my pacing

Now at home where I forgot to miss
Now at home where the real heart is
Prompt: Farm near Duivendrecht (c. 1966, oil on canvas) by Piet Mondrian

Other than Thai, French, and English words, I also use Daily Art as my prompt. It was fun.
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