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Life's a Beach Dec 2014
and apply Ed Sheeran to the open wound
Then drink peppermint tea
Allowing yourself a chance to
The wave of a nightmare turned
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
Sleep paralysis, like your body
is wearing a ice-en straight jacket
and your mouth is laced up with skin.
I could see the blanket, the pillow, I could feel
myself trapped within layers of
suffocating covers, every neurone struggling to
free my trapped limbs
sapped of strength
As though my spine had snapped, and the
length of Central Nervous System had
strapped itself to the base of my bones
I tried to yell, to scream to moan
at my body
couldn't sob
robbed of movement

I sank into the silence of a nightmare

This is what I saw there:

My childhood home, demolished, my accommodation
stood sturdy on it's grave as though it had
never existed
My Lady and My Mother were there, and they
resisted my protests, laughed cruelly in jest as they
marched into my flatmates room
I ran after them as their voices loomed like
mocking magpies
Every word a jab and peck


An awful clarity
In hilarity, my flatmate jested that 'junk' had
been left in his room, but as I looked in, expecting gloom, I
saw, instead, the living room of my childhood home
Nailed down where it stood by the
additives of a university life.
I didn't see the past strife, but photographs of happy
times lay scattered or enlarged, their presence
marred by the fact
that, if they were here,
then no-one had wanted them
No one had cared
They had been left
scattered into the breeze of

Then calm
By the fireplace that had never been used
The adopted Nan sat and soothed by her
Life torn husband's side
Fire resided beside them as she and he
coaxed the flames across the wall
missing the grating
Every flickering flame pressed into a ball
as it spread
I lost my head staring at her peaceful white hair
She wasn't stuck in her chair
Or swathed in blankets
She looked right how she was
And I felt bad because I took a foam and
dampened the flame from the walls loam
Fearing injury I stole her
But she was always so exothermic
She doesn't haunt she fills

Willed forward with affection
But her questions sank into
a sudden guilt of my self-neglection
and as I tried
to hold
I found my breath
was snatched
I didn't want to let her down
Couldn't bear for an
angel to see
a frown
I tried to catch
the tip of my mouth
and force myself to smile

But she knew all, of course she did,
and as I was marched up the aisle of

A single tear slid down my cheek
An emotion was allowed
to leak

Loss and Shame
Guilt and Pain

You shouldn't be like this
*Take care of yourself
I had an incredibly vivid dream yesterday, it really shook me, so I wanted to get it out somewhere. The woman I call Nan was honestly one of the most beautiful human beings. She's the grandmother of my platonic other half. Seeing her so clearly and finding myself unable to tell her something positive about how I was, well, it completely ate me up. If she's watching me, then this isn't what I want her to be seeing, she deserves to see happiness.
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
And I am the knight in shining armour
and he is the damsel in distress.
I can't let myself rest until he is safe, but
it does not help my case that he seems to think
the dragon is his friend, and I only
pretend when I say that I Love Him.

Because being far away from someone is harder
than any bard will ever make out, it feels so empty to think
that if you shout the hardest you can, they
still cannot hear you, and
even if you ran it'd be too far to do in
a day.
So, instead, you just have to stay your palace
and pray, as
you watch them
dance in flames.

You can't rearrange their head, so it tortures you
when they wish themselves dead, because you cannot soothe them, and that is all your fault, and your brain dips
a tendril into the vault of the memories of sins,
it reaches out to within, just to give it a stir,
You feel your edges blur, because if you can't keep them
then what good are you?

You're only a one, if your one adds up to two
Stew quietly
You must find a way to stay strong and quietly long
for reprieve,
You find yourself feeling relieved when you make
it to the end of the day without having to debate with
them whether or not they should stay, or
pass over.

Make wishes on four leaf clovers
and wonder, did I make his life this?
Blaming every kiss you might have done
wrong. Longing for reassurance that
never comes
This is your fault
His words echo your thoughts
This is your fault

It's hard not to feel tired.

When it's a game if you can make it to the next week
A gamble of letting someone see you weep
or holding it in again to possibly explode out.
The battle of trying to tell yourself
That it isn't weak for wanting shout at them to phone
and moan down the phone in person
So that you don't think there's a chance
a possible
a haunting of the
idea that the word 'silence' means you
should start grieving

At least on the phone you can hear them breathing.

Today it's a battle,
Tomorrow there'll be more.
Did this one a while ago but saved it to drafts, there are probably too many of these ones atm, but I'm having a draft clean out.
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
He used to blow cigarette smoke into my mouth
and second hand poison had never tasted better
Demon of a lover, explorer and discoverer of all
points south,
Your abstract Juliet, not seeking
to die, sought only to lie and
to share the sin of your
for even a second
of bliss

A smoke filled kiss
Teaching me to live
In darkness filled with pleasure

The smell of a pipe
A treasure to carry beyond
The veil of reality

Occasionally I resent the clarity
which killed us
But thank Hell and God
for the smoke that filled us
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
To remember your face
the jut of your chin covered in beard is now the only thing
un-erased by your sweep of hair
and even that's a puzzle
show me your face
I miss seeing your lips
but you've lain down fluff
like a mask, like you
want to prevent the path of a kiss
I'm finding it harder to miss,
because I can't remember the last time we properly
I want to play again
like new born lovers, laughing and
Instead of the open signpost which
states that lust isn't home right now
So please leave a message after
the tone of the
voice that sounds weary of me, but
desperate that I should never
I want to feel wanted
I shouldn't feel haunted by your laugh
you're not dead yet
but every day I have to check
I'm so tired

Trim the beard
The hedge
Take a mower to the wilderness of your
I want to see the
**boy I love
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
and I'm right on the top
Going to write my ****** scene
No spelling errors
No cusps of cuts of typos
Lipo of an essay
I'm going to take a textbook bullet
and blow my ******* brains out
Vowels and consonants splattering on the wall
Every ball of ******* up scribbles that
just missed the bin
are going to rise up, like ghosts, and mummify me
within their subtext of muffled screams

It's going to be fantastic

I'm going to drown my calculator in my dreams
Quietly muttering 3s and x's
Asking it if it can guess Y while I press it's buttons
like it happily pressed mine


Ins­uperiority complex


Wish to please


The tease of the good mark that won't give out


muffled shout


Top of the hit list, let's blow my ******* brains out.
Life's a Beach Nov 2014
So I hid it
Took it like a written confession and
swallowed it
Decades of genders, females and
males screaming, as I melted down
the word on my tongue they had fought to keep,
that they had killed for and won.
As I joined a flock of sheep who wouldn't
accept a goat
Who didn't want to listen when I wrote down
that I believed in the allegedly frown-worthy
opinion that equality should exist.
That it should be taught right from the yolk
of existence.
That it's regulation requires persistence.

They told me that prejudice was a myth
Ironic, they also told me I shouldn't exist
Told me I was lesbian, like it was an
insult, when I decided to stage a revolt and
mark the popular girl in netball
and win.
self high five
Oh dear, what a schoolgirl sin to
I was taught to take hate by the masses who
yelled that
the classes of acceptance
were unnecessary

Popular girl: small correction, although
I cannot say you personally give me
a feminine *******, I'm bisexual, get it right.
Also examine the fact that you thought I'd only fight
because I wanted you.
When in fact I both loathe and pity you, you
do not understand your worth, and you don't
give proper respect to the earth of your
Who have handed down shoulder to shoulder
something different from the everyday pain.
They've handed down the hope that their strivings
were not vain, and one day this war will

The smoke of a pen, not
a gun, calling

So, I am a feminist and I call for release.
I may add another stanza soon.
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