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273 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
When you love someone...

So  much it hurts..

You think to let go..

But, you can't.
272 · Apr 2014
leap into darkness...
Levi Andrew Apr 2014
I'll leap into darkness.
Lost myself today.
You don't know me anymore.
Don't tell me it'll be okay, because you aren't the one going insane.
I'll finish this one when more words come to mind..
Levi Andrew May 2014
You and him..
You don't quite known how you fit together...
I'm kind of under the weather..
There will be time for us to be friends..
Unless it's the end of us..
Unless you say you care
And you don't..

I'm scared I'll lose you.
Because, he doesn't like me
Like you do..

I'm happy for you..
I am..

Just there's a space between love and lust.

Finding out where you fit..

In my life..

There's always a space for you here..


You'll always be here.

Even if you don't care.
Yes. I'm confused. Have a lot of thoughts.
265 · Jun 2014
Smoke (10w)
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
Cigarette smoke.

It binds

the only being of us

259 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
I'm seriously debating..
About ending my life.
One fiction story later.
I'm torn on what to do.
Will I lose?

*I'm sure
257 · Oct 2014
Levi Andrew Oct 2014
The stars are ours tonight.
There's not a worry left in my mind.
I'm going crazy.
Can't wait to be with you.
Underneath the stars and moon.
256 · Jul 2014
No memories here.
Levi Andrew Jul 2014
It's like we all have something better to do.

Especially you..

You don't wanna talk.

When we do..

It's all about saying okay.

Or, I can't talk now.

God, you break my heart.

I'm not sure how.

But, you just do.
253 · May 2014
hate (10w)
Levi Andrew May 2014
You make my blood boil

We're like water and oil.
251 · Jun 2014
when it comes to you...
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
I honestly wish I would have tried harder..

**To save you from that hipster disaster
250 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
I *can't
pick up the *pieces.
I can't give you a reason.
I won't walk away until you know..
There's nobody who gets me like you do.
My mind is running empty.
Through the search for someone else.
I can't be the only one who's so disconnected..
It was so different in my head.
Drink up.. last call before the sunrise sets the last scene.
Of empty bottles, heavy hearts.
The memories of broken dreams.
But, wait.. now that I've found you..
Situations from dark now change to gray.
It's perpetually blinding me of my sanity.
I've lost my whole life and a dear friend..
249 · Jul 2014
1:47 A.M
Levi Andrew Jul 2014
Its 1:47 A.M.

I'm writing a poem..

Because I'm...

And, there's nothing I can do.
247 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
I'm nothing but happy..
When I can kiss you..
Underneath the mist..
When you part those sultry lips..
I'm nothing but putty in your hands.
I love you..
You don't even know..
Be with me forever please?
I need you with me..
247 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
I ask for your opinion.
I tell your boyfriend to put rainbows in his hair.
I proceed to tell you that I'm not cutting.
But, indeed, I am.

I want you to know..
I still care.

But, as I think back of how many times you've ignored me..
I'm kind of hurting.

But that's just fine.

But, I lied.

I did cut..

And it will never stop.
247 · Jul 2014
Levi Andrew Jul 2014
Clothes shed..

Tears dried..

You asked,"Are you sure?"

I replied, "You are my first."
244 · Apr 2014
When existence mattered..
Levi Andrew Apr 2014
I thought I mattered to someone. Somewhere.
Thought I was alright.
But I'm not.
I'm searching for a soul.
Someone who cares.
One that will help me win this battle against myself.
I think today is the day.
Where I say I've had enough of this pain.
Take the pills to feel again.
Enough of slant rhymes..
Enough of Luna.
Enough of everything I had made.    
Are you gonna care?
I'm just gonna try to take my life.
Try to find light elsewhere.
Dear god, take the air from my lungs.
Because, honestly I've had enough.
Had enough..
239 · Aug 2014
Levi Andrew Aug 2014
My heart is broken and filled with pain.
I can't bare to live anymore.
I have suffered enough.
You broke my heart once and I let it slide.
But when you broke it for a second you crossed the line.
I hate you, I hate you more than life itself.
Why did I let love get the best of me and not see what was really going on?
You never liked me.
You never wanted me.
So why did you flirt.
You let me believe something could have happened.
Like you falling in love with me.
I loved you, I still love you.
But I can't bare to show it anymore.
As far as I am concerned you don't even exist to me.
In my heart your gone.
I cry myself to sleep thinking about you.
If only you knew how much I loved you.
If only you could see.
My life ended that day when I realized I can't have you and when I saw things I never wanted to see.
It hurt me, it hurt me deep inside my heart is broken in two.
I don't think I could love again the way that I loved you.
There is no more love in me now I am filled with hate.
Hate for you but more for myself I dont want to live anymore suicide is the only answer.
Why couldn't you tell me from the beginning that it was only a joke?
Why didn't you tell me not to take it seriously?
What was I to do?
Keep dreaming that one day I could have you.
Or maybe I should have realized that once I meet you I couldn't have you.
I don't want to live.
Suicide is the only answer.
239 · May 2014
Can't Take Pain.
Levi Andrew May 2014
I've pushed everyone away.
Had enough today.
Can't take pain.
239 · May 2014
heavy hearts.. (10w)
Levi Andrew May 2014
The sun sets.

These heavy hearts have

Left our chest.
236 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
I  thought...

Every single word...


Now I'm the one who's broken.

Leave me alone.
I don't need your bipolar crap

      It's all just a new slice. That you created.

Don't take your words. Don't take them back.

Because it's too late for all of that.

You said how you really felt.
And you meant it.

I never said how I truly felt..

I trusted you so much.

Waited around for the words I care..

You lied about all of the **** you said.

Why couldn't you have said I don't want to be friends?

It'd hurt way less than this.

This is probably goodbye for the last time..

Just let me die.
236 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
You'll never know..
The emotions I choose not to show.

I can't tell you enough.

I just want to die

****** me tonight
235 · Apr 2014
Levi Andrew Apr 2014
Today I am in search of something.
Something I'll never find.

Today I decided I'll try to change..
Forget about you in exchange for words on this paper.

I've decided to live my life.
To just fly.

Soar until I reach the sky.

Today I have decided my goal in life.
And the journey starts here.
230 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
I know..

I can't like you.

And you don't like me.

But, do you know why I do?


The way your green hair
twinkles underneath the stars.

Makes me wanna run
to the edge of the sun.
Is it love?
223 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
It feels like I'm walking..

With no destination.

I'm lost with question.

And not a single answer.

I'm searching for it.

But, I'll never find it.
220 · Jun 2015
Levi Andrew Jun 2015
its been awhile
since i picked up
my thoughts
all at once

i wonder how it would
go if i did it alone

if it would end
the same way

hospital trips

thought it'd be easy
to go about it like this

i picked up all my thoughts
just to drop them again

and i feel like i won't be
able to push myself
to do that another time

reoccurring dreams say that

i've lost
219 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
You grab my hand..

You say it hurts to see me like this.

Just hold my hand, give me a kiss and I'll be alright.

Because, I'm okay with you by my side.
218 · May 2014
after awhile..
Levi Andrew May 2014
Day by day..

I grow weaker

Day by day..

I get more and more depressed

Day by day..

Is the more I forget.

I've lost myself today.
You say I'll find my way..
But, I won't..

Because, today



215 · Apr 2014
take me seriously.
Levi Andrew Apr 2014
Please take me seriously.
I will end myself.
Maybe I just need some help.
But, where do I look?
Just take the life out of me.
And put it into someone else.
I'm done.
I'll give everything to take my life away.
So goodbye.
And don't ever wonder why.
Just done trying.. sick of crying. I've had enough.
213 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
You think that a poem has to rhyme?

No. Believe me, I tried.

And guess what ?

Poems aren't always about what you feel.

It's just things in general.

So stop mocking my poems

They don't have to rhyme.

Not all the time.
Poems don't have to rhyme. It's called slant rhymes. Not that'd you'd understand that.
212 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
Pins and needles evolve about my skin..

You wouldn't think this is the end..

But it is.
209 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
I don't want to feel alone.

No, not anymore.

We all make mistakes.

But, believe me there's a price to pay.

It's too bad I feel alone.

Guess I'll never know.

But, this time I'm serious.

I say that every single time.


**I will die.
201 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014

196 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
I accepted you..
When nobody else would.

I trusted you...
When I could.

I loved you..
When I was drunk..

Wasn't that enough?

I honestly don't know
what else to tell you.

Because, you've hurt me.
And I've hurt you too.
192 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014
Thought I could
do this on my own.

I was really wrong.

You used to care.

But, then you
started dating him.

He made you
choose him over me.

I used to come to you in pieces..

*So you could make me whole.
174 · May 2014
Levi Andrew May 2014

What if I died?

Just decided.. well..  
you all don't care..

And just took my last breath of air?

Would you miss me?

Probably not.
170 · Jun 2014
Levi Andrew Jun 2014
The thought of letting go..

Just too much to bare with.

But I understood the words..

Leave Me Alone

I drink to forget..

I suppose you don't care.

But, the pain is too much..

And this is where I say enough.

Because, I'm too scared to say goodbye..
152 · Apr 2014
Levi Andrew Apr 2014
If you thought I was okay..
You were wrong.
If I faked a smile...
Would you be gone?

— The End —