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Leigh Jacobson May 2018
A familiar stranger
knocked on my door
and asked "Are you the one
I've known before?"

The face of this heart
It stared at me
Through my net of
pain and disharmony

I'm here it's me
I scream in despair
don't leave me
for I'm still in here.

Let me in she said
I am the one you knew
You see we have  
lots of work to do.

To fix the wounds
the tears and tatters
to rest and talk
Nothing else matters.

I relented with tears
admitting the pain
to grow and repair
So that I remain

Much time we spent
together you see
Getting to know each other
myself and me.

I'll never let
the world take away
Myself again
When we put our worth into others we get lost.
Leigh Jacobson May 2018
In a forest of grass
the tallest **** gives
shade to the smallest.

Even a **** is useful.
In the vast world of hierarchies some don't see their worth. They say "I'm just a ......" Every one is important. Someone is always looking up to someone for help and guidance. Everyone is important.
Leigh Jacobson May 2018
A song, a photo a familiar smell
takes me on a trip along the trails
of my memories  that
are a blink in time.

The good and the tough times,
mingled together in a harmony
that forever plays in my mind.

I am content.
Looking back at struggles and pain: The bad times usually get so much more attention than the good.
Leigh Jacobson Apr 2018
CAN YOU HEAR ME?                
  Your lifeless body, the way your chest it rises and falls,  through no effort of its own.... can you hear me?
I wrote this while sitting at the side of the bed with my brother who is on the ventilator. My heart was aching. That he would not feel alone.
Leigh Jacobson Apr 2018
Through broken lenses  I see the truth

The facts of life are no longer hidden.

Life no longer seen through

a Rose colored façade.

Free to grow.
The glasses of our life that shield us from the truth. Once broken we can grow.

— The End —