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 Aug 2018 Kit
Orange Rose
I wrote a poem when I died...
Another at my birth.
A brand-new sonnet when I cried.
And again when there was mirth.

A song for my confession...
A story for my pain...
A painting for depression...
And nursery rhymes for rain.

My creations live inside my heart.
I keep them there in shame.
Yet you looked around and saw my art,
And smiled all the same.
 Aug 2018 Kit
Elizabeth Zenk
 Aug 2018 Kit
Elizabeth Zenk
My tuxedo cat lets out a rumbling purr as she naps on my chest.
Cavetown plays through my headphones.
I can't help but smile at this
small, yet refreshing
 Aug 2018 Kit
Charlie Black
You could be "friends"
With someone
For years in real life
But the minute
You slip up
Make the tiniest mistake
And need them
More than ever
... They're gone

But then
You could be "friends"
With someone online
For less than a week
And they could
Care about you
More than any of
You're "real friends"
Ever did

And if internet friends
Aren't "real friends"
Then it's pretty ******* sad
When someone
Who isn't my "real friend"
Cares more for me
Then my "actual friend"
Thank you for taking the time to read my poem, if you did. I hope you like it.
 Aug 2018 Kit
Veronica Emilia
make new friends
they'll never know
what it is you've been through
hard to tell
knock down your walls
for fear they'll abandon you.

I want to be what I seem
I want people to know I'm okay
but sometimes I am not.

these present friends
cannot know the past secrets that haunt me
they will judge me
will they be true?
 Aug 2018 Kit
Elizabeth Zenk
I once called you my best friend, but you’ve turned into someone we both
used to fear becoming.

Friends Drift
 Aug 2018 Kit
Clouds rolling
Winds picking
Waters getting
The moon is disappearing
The stars are disappearing
Maybe I can
on this night
On the wings of
the wind
just float away
 Aug 2018 Kit
 Aug 2018 Kit
I just want
To adore again
To be inspired
By their imperfect perfection
And the way their face lights up
Like a neon sign in the rain
Whenever I make them laugh...
To write of love again
And not feel this pit in my chest
To hold them close
And talk into the wee hours of the morning
While absorbing the songs
They tell me they love
I want to hold hands like it's a lifeline
And cuddle
Like pressing against their body
Is as necessary as breathing
I want to share my excitement
And my heart
I want to feel like someone's favorite thing
Like the luckiest guy in the world
And make them feel like they are my world
All I want is
To fall in love once more
I want to fall in love again, I've learned so much from my last relationship and I miss having someone to share a life with
Honestly, probably not the best or most clever or deep thing I've written, but I felt a warmth while writing it that I've missed

— The End —