I don't know
What's going on
This world is cruel sometimes
Darkness falls, pain descends
New light shines, a new day begins
Hope survives, love endures
But when two lights shine
At once, which is brighter?
The one that has returned, lingered from before,
Or the one that was switched on, brought here despite warnings?
Their light together
Becomes blinding, confusing, agonising
I don't know
What to do
The lights are so bright
Should I close my eyes
Shut both of them out,
Until one becomes dark?
Or should I keep them open
Adjust to the light,
So I can see which is brighter?
No matter which I choose,
One will be turned off
Forever dark,
Never shining again
The other will shine on,
For a time at least,
But what if it burns out?
I'll be left alone again,
In the eternal darkness
That never seems to leave
I don't know
What I feel
I don't know
What I see
Both lights are far too bright
I hope it'll be alright