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  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Love #1
He liked me, i liked him.
This lasted for a while.
Summer came, he left.
He got a girlfriend, and forgot about me.

The next school year,
We made eye contact in the hall all the time
He texted me and apologized
I forgave him
and when he and his girlfriend were over
He came running back to me
I welcomed him with open arms.
This only lasted part of the summer.
Things were getting tense
and we stopped contacting each other.

A year later
When i was "talking" to someone new
He apologized again
I think he was jealous, to be honest.

We never spoke again.

Love #2
I thought he was cute
I only fantasized about him liking me
Then it came true
He pursued me, and i liked it.
We went on a date before our first date

He held my hand that day
and forced his lips upon mine.
Not how i imagined my first kiss.

We went on dates
but stayed in the car most of the time
I thought i could control things
and not go too far.
I tried to stop multiple times
yet somehow he just kept enticing me.
After he got what he wanted (not what you are thinking)
He dumped me.
He said we could still be friends
but i mean, that was unrealistic.

We never spoke again.

Love #3
He makes me happy
We are best friends
He held my hand at the beach
and kissed me on the cheek.
That was only for one day.

We continued to be best friends
We went out by ourselves and
he made no indication that we were more than friends.
Weeks went by.

Then after our AP test we went to eat together.
We also went on an adventure.
That was the best day of my life.
We went up a mountain and went on a little hike.
It was hailing and we were sitting close under a towel for protection.

That would have been the perfect time to kiss me.
But he didnt.
And i respect that.

He takes things slow
unlike Love #2.
patience means you're in it for the long run.
Things are going well
and I think we could actually have a good future together.
Im excited for it, love.
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
It's . . .                                      
the scrape-your-knees,
yet simple misconstrued concept
of why is the sky blue sort of fancying.

It's silly, it's sweet as cherry pie and honey, this liking to him.

The type that lights up this warm hue in your eyes.

Which is by the way, the sort of effervescent feeling that curve your lips upwards so softly,
it slips past your lulling conscience and dazed & starry-eyed gaze.

Yes, its kissing stupidity; tickling with giggles.
Yes, your cheeks are hued crimson, to the tops of your ears.

But then, he simply says 'Huh, do I look like that too?'
it's a little unspoken
your lips.
Hiya lovely!
So, today I present to you a poem that frankly is one of my favourites that I have e-v-e-r written. Tomorrow I shall be starting school again, hopefully I will still be able to write nonsensical writings at least once a week. Eeek!
P.S Alright before I say 'Good morning sleepy-head, Good Afternoon sunshine or Good night, sweet dreams' to you, you and you! I just wanted a show of hands who has experienced that lovely feeling above? ^
Now, don't be shy. *wink*

P.P.S. I've got both hands in the air.
x x x
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
I have a crush-no wait it's a liking

I do not know him in reality
Only through his writing

He seems to know his way with words
Which makes me wonder about his love
notes that must flow with admiration towards the girl he chases

An unimaginable distance separates us
Not only in miles but in understanding

He might be a lovely poet
But his lack of comprehension makes me worry

I have made a fool out of myself
In talking to him I have missed the obvious

His thoughts are written mysteriously and beautifully
But in his mind, I do not exist
Oh god, most days I wonder why I even wrote this.
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
Nicole Bataclan
I got drunk on life
This time, like every time
The old trick works on me
I am just happy enough
Until I have had one too many

Then everything is buzzing
Fuzzy thoughts and accurate feelings

I carry on
As if my gut still permits it
Before promising, I learned my lesson
From overindulging.

This time, I will be more vigilant
Life tastes delicious;
But I should sip gently
Unless it is yet another hungover
From decisions I could regret long after

Then everything is buzzing
Accurate thoughts and fuzzy feelings

Drink moderately, or else I will be
Easily intoxicated
On this plethora of life experience
This time, I shall only get a little tipsy.
  Dec 2017 MeKenna
josh wilbanks
When im with you a beauty occurs that burns brighter then a sun rise colliding with the morning tide. I can not euphemise the excruciating cry from when my insides die and the pistol lets fly a single beautiful try to illuminate the sky with cries held high. Trophies to a suicidal guy. The flame burns low as you tell me to let go, as i remember that ride through the pure white snow. The beautiful glow of your cold breathes blow. The hole without you continues to grow.
This pistol brings the bullet but pain pulls the trigger. I was just another boy to add to your figures. Im sorry that I can not heal quicker but I am  running low on liqour. My friends have started to snicker and say all i do is bicker but they dont understand that all i can feal is bitter. I love you. Thanks for showing me its okay to be a quitter.

The love i gave you was every ounce of my bleeding soal. The love i gave you was pure passion. Sorry I terrified you with my messed up side. Sorry I brought our twin tours down.
Sorry cas. I still love you. Even if all you want is him. Ill just hide the pain. I dont mind. If it makes you happy.
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