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 2d K
Mark Bell
Met a woman
She’s eighty two
She wanted ***
I hadn’t a clue.
I said look
Thats  fine
By me
Can you
Hurry up,
Next week
I turn
One hundred
And three.
I enjoyed it
I do confess,
I didn’t think
I could make
That much mess.
I think this woman
Took advantage of me
Who cares
I died
 2d K
so it's really possible to love
someone this much;

but i know we'll get through this
so please stay in-touch
 2d K
I'm a stranger in my own head,
A sojourner embodied.
As I lie here on my old bed,
Impressions flashing oddly.

I'm a stranger to my own needs,
my old provisions moldy.
I'm lost, can hardly proceed,
But must continue boldly.
I've been wrestling with the apparent and intimidating reality that I'm plural in some way.
A great Day
This morning, although Monday has a jubilant
Feel, the wind is light, the winter sun warms
The balcony, as seen sitting inside looking out
This a day to remember running on a domestic
A farm landscape with a pair of dogs upsetting
The sheep see cows clumsily running without
The reason other than it is a beautiful day
 It is a day to remember that childhood was not
All misery and poverty
Yes, a day when the old man gets up from his
Chair and dance a tango with his youth
I wrote this now hope the good feeling will last
 2d K
Have you ever thought about your life
As it's a strange and unpredictable maze.
And you're just a guest in it, and in fact
It's your happiness to be here at that.

And on your way through it you find a lot of men
Who are of one behaviors and minds as yours.
And literally in a moment you're taking up with them
As they are all immediately and just truly yours.

You see their eyes are full of tenderness and love.
They're all amazing people and they're all your friends.
And you can be with them just as you are.
And you can not to meet unless the crook in maze.

And now you see you're not alone!
Just be yourself and they'll be near.
And now you see you're not forgotten!
Against the odds, you're known and loved right here!

Just be yourself!
Don't think about rules!
You are among your friends!
And make it absolute!
This poem is about real friendship and its signification in our life.
 2d K
the real sin is not
in two men in love but in
choosing to hate love
 2d K
not only are you my favorite love,
you are also my only love;
let me explain:

the only love that I want to participate in,
the only love that I want to share,
the only love that I can see and feel
and the only love I feel no absence in when you're not there

you're the only love who has taught me how...
your love thought me how to be,
who to be,
how to love others back,
how to feel confident,
and how to stay in the present.

your love is my beating heart
and I don't want it any other way,
my only love
January starts its journey
as a wet and sorry thing,
a limp balloon in a leafless tree
and a soggy bit of string
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