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JS CARIE Jun 2018
At times I wonder if you are stable and how you are able.
You lay in the bed for what seems like days on end without food or water to begin
In the deepest part of your sleep, you let out a howling wail I can only resemble as a boy in heat
When I come up to check on you, like any crazy human you'll either shoo me away or rub my head so true
After you hibernate in numbers, the amount of milk you consume would put me in a diabetic overdose slumber [to be welcomed]
When you go to the room where waters pour from the ceiling and *** in a bowl of water that looks refreshing and appealing
That's when out comes the dragon, throat roaring, bloodshot vision, blowing smoke like a continuous cannon
And you'll stand and stare at the mirror, this you can't hide I've been with you a long time here
Not looking at yourself or your grooming, you look at what you've become and why you can't bury six-deep this glooming
And truthfully, I get it. The solitude, the independence, the struggle to live alone, when you leave every morning and return at dark
After having many companions around and now not. I'm the last cat standing as well, I get it
The desire to be nurtured and massaged only to be shoo'd away more than half the time
To eat the same foods day in and day out
Have a growth of hair breed on your face and body and scratch the itch feed that need, only to wake up everyday looking like yesterday, I get it friend
We have an innate nature to feel our peculiarities are alienated, but our similarities are there and that can not be denied or debated.

Thoughts on You, from the cat
JS CARIE May 2018
Assert confidence in a convincing recital
Claim certainty that protection is binding
safety is paramount
a rehearsed amount
until she takes it on ethics
every truth is there to detect
A battle for reason
until potential yields to the objective
Loyalty isn't just imagination

Fate constructed in a noiseless dialogue
momentary eye contact
pencil hits paper
Smoke and vapor
Fire comes later
an unsurpassed honor
All the letters weve written
are a smear on the page of occasion
Resulting in endless treasure
Only to be rediscovered
When the omission is uncovered
JS CARIE May 2018
For the moment we rest
A single spot light saved their life tonight
Flurry wind carrying mist to their nest was the best to achieve
Feel content to perish
If my words will sink, float, grow or spin
With a view of her luminous gold green hazel piercing rings
Last night fall went hand in hand
Apropos of the longing after depart
Underneath a sky embrace
Syncing out through the spirals that she draws
Was a vanishing scent
That's impossible to seek and find
I'm a ****** for skin, snorting her all the way to my mind
There's a sign on my arm
And a still beating part that you own
And a vow to never do you harm
from my red Jurassic heart
JS CARIE May 2018
A desolation of confined solitude has made a pacing path of diagonal imprint in all areas of walk...
His heart is at the beginning of her own journey
A venture that modes endless wonder
but still, at nighttime...
she cries out for him
into a pillow he once layed his head in as she stacked hers atop his shoulder creating permanent print

before trees drop leaves and covered branches that keep a coat of comfort around the storage that house her,
She reads and writes and listens as the most coveted blankets, wrap her in warmth and squeeze her into dreamscapes
When she dreams across the specrtum of imagination fables,
he dreams she is safe

All the windows in the apartment upstairs that look upon the street have an intermittent tremble when he wails
As he's screaming out to her
In hopes she'll hear him in the brown bark geographic dark
He knows in all logic, she wont hear him, but she does feel him because he is deep, embedded in her marrow
His tears and screams build up, creating clouds that shock bolts through the sky and drop a hard rain

The rain she feels a familiarity with
A rain she wants and loves so much
JS CARIE May 2018
If she studies you with that particular look, and you know the one I'm indicating.
Kick off your shoes and glide across the floor towards your loved one.
Place your palm firmly on the back of her neck and your other at center mass.
With your lips pressed firmly against hers, open her mouth and clean her teeth, stroke her taste buds, feel her heat and free your minds together as one exploding fire *******, soaring vertically with the sporadic curvature of the bottle rocket.
Don't stop there, you've got her. She wants you to take complete control. Push her with gentle pressure against the nearest wall and allow progression. Fuse her neckline with your bite and move south to utilize her forearms and thighs. All the while you've cupped her **** cheeks like palming a basketball. From there on, use the organic passion that comes from within. She's giving herself to you. She will not hold this against you. On the contrary, this memorable concession of unbiased surrender is a gift, from your other to you. When it comes to a woman's love, these are some of the best times that you will be offered. Keep desire on fire and make your way to completion together. This recollection you guys are developing will hold years of reminiscence.
JS CARIE Apr 2018
I'll run out of money, ideas, madness, and sanity
creativity will peak for long instances
But for you,
I will always have words!
At times I won't explain, or think, or even say what I am wondering
feelings will take over thoughts to where only words will express,
unsung, overused and independent,
made up squeezed together letters of nonsensical impressions that will run-on to appear proper
Pages of self plagiarized poetry
half finished expression to ensure you know I am spilling out with the same intuitive passion as many moons before
and until I start to give you new words, a realization takes hold of my pen and will speak up,
"you've already told her this!"
But I'll give it to you all the same. And you'll read it in privacy and feel what I have felt time and again, times 10!
I assure you that I will run out of places, originality and giving.
But for you Annie Anne,
I will always have words
weathered, and gathered
grouped and scattered
Presented for your approval
Squeezed together letters
JS CARIE Apr 2018
During her blood moon was the best time to make her moan,
make her legs shake and weak,
Feel her scratch down my arms and peel up my skin
Only 3 days it would last
but during those periods...
she would release multiple times
With the red moons spawn
a bear in the woods would evolve,
hunting her flood through a blessed disaster
finding what I was after,
in a late night spatter
Her finger tips hiding
the stake in my pants,
she'll soon be riding
In these moments I feel a crave,
a longing to misbehave,
Within blankets and sheets we inhabit this cave
Our leveled off breathing
will not reveal harm
Take shelter in the warm of more than apparent
and reside until morning in the arms of the inherent
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