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4.0k · Mar 2019
Peeking Back
Indigo M'kyauki Mar 2019
I glance at you to see if you glance back
I can’t explain it

I caught you looking what a treat
But I peeked back to this sheet

Maybe you’re looking because I am
Am I just being absurd?

Your face is magnetic
A prism of bismuth or iron

But I barely know you
Barely an acquaintance

But I would like to get to know you better
If you can stand me
Umm... girls are pretty
3.5k · Mar 2019
Over the Moon
Indigo M'kyauki Mar 2019
Oh how I melt and stutter
Oh how I sputter and gush
Over girls
I just love them so, so much
Hair and faces
Ripe for pets and kisses
And loving caresses
Necks and chests
Oh how loving them is the best
******* and stomachs
Warm and soft
Beautiful and sweet
I love girls from their heads to their feet
Dark or light I don’t care
This heart of mine loves them beyond all compare
girls are awesome
911 · Sep 2018
Flowers Under Moonlit Skies
Indigo M'kyauki Sep 2018
Skin like tiger lilies
sweet and smooth
Hair like dandelions
of a golden hue
Eyes a shade of chestnut I shall never know
It is my heart that you’ve enraptured
I can’t think of someone who keeps pace in my brain
Running in circles
You are the prettiest shade right in between purple and blue
Quiet but not calm
A joy to be around
All of that is you
She must have been carved from stone, works of art like her can't be made naturally.
Indigo M'kyauki Sep 2018
At night, when the Sun begins to settle in its hammock
I think of you
Vividly, I imagine running my fingers through your hair
Vibrant kisses that lull me off to sleep

When I wake, before the Sun creeps lazily up the sky
I think of you
Butterflies blooming in my stomach
Blush painting my cheeks

Dreaming of nights and days filled with you
For a special someone always on my mind.
439 · Sep 2018
Indigo M'kyauki Sep 2018
youre like sweet coffee to me
youre  like sweet potato pie and dead leaves
youre like hot chocolate and winter freeze
youre like crisp cherries and blossoms on the breeze
youre like ice water and the ac blasting at 60 degrees
i see u in everything i see and everything i do
my world is permanently stained in a shade of u
wrote this after waking up to her voice but i wish i had gone to sleep by her side
Indigo M'kyauki Jan 2021

We know exactly how / Sabemos exactamente cómo
They know what they have done / Saben lo que han hecho
They are the white mother coddling her murderous child / Son la madre blanca que mima a su hijo asesino
Arming him to make him feel worthwhile in his usefulness / Armándolo para que valga la pena en su utilidad
Enabled this for centuries / Habilitación de esto durante siglos
This country has never been anything to be proud of / Este país nunca ha sido nada de lo que estar orgulloso
There has never been a reason to love this country / Nunca ha habido una razón para amar este país
People who look like me have never been seen as people by this country / La gente que se parece a mí nunca ha sido vista como gente por este país
A country founded on ******* and fear / Un país fundado en el poder blanco y el miedo
A rebellious child of a country seeking to find its identity / Un hijo rebelde de un país que busca encontrar su identidad
All while killing those who try to change the status quo / Todo mientras matan a aquellos que intentan cambiar el status quo
This country has never been great / Este país nunca ha sido grande
This country has no qualms about killing people it holds as non-essential / Este país no tiene reparos en matar gente que tiene como no esencial
A country that values money over lives / Un país que valora el dinero sobre vidas
And a certain race of lives over others / Y una cierta raza de vidas sobre los demás
Has never been a country to be admired / Nunca ha sido un país para ser admirado
I am angry.
218 · Mar 2019
Candy & Hoodies
Indigo M'kyauki Mar 2019
a lollipop
sour and sweet
it was mine but I shared it with you
cheddar cheese chips on your tongue
you don't understand why i mutter and blush
or why i try to look away

it started raining
we wrestled for who should hold your umbrella
i won
u look cute with a pout
your mom came and i took your hoodie
cause i didn't bring one for myself
it smells a lot like you
should i tell her? i'm scared of what she might say...

— The End —