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 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
tom krutilla
A youngster told me, mister you are old
I asked, how can you tell
His reply was, I'm young, without a wrinkle face
I replied, my face is wrinkled because I always smiled
He told me, you move slowly and with a limp
I replied, I lived in the fast lane, but it was time to get off
My limp was from working hard, staying true to myself, never wavering
His puzzled look needed me to explain further
I remember when I was like you many years ago
My strength and confidence was my burning desire
I left the ones who borned me cause I
knew everything
They closed the door and on it read good luck young man we moved to Florida
Suddenly, reality set in, I was a man
Everything I thought I knew was there
I'm a man
But the little nuances of life the ones they taught me and I ignored have come full circle
Their wisdom and survival of life will always be in my thoughts
So youngster I'm not old I have aged well
The wrinkles on my face are from all the smiles life has given me
My limp is a sign that I will make it to the finish line
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Annotated hate letters
sticky- posted to
every surface
until you get the
Forgiveness is no longer an option
and this is not your mess to clean up
It is,
your mind to make up
Although it would seem
that you already
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
My night time reflection
in the car window
as we drive along in silence
tells a different story.
Smooth, moon washed skin,
shining white eyes-
I am almost beautiful.
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
I will hide
   my heart
   away from the howling wind
this anxious
will reach inside
and draw out my soul.
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
is a vile,
deceitful creature.
instilling baseless confidence,
it knowingly assures
where there is none
to be had.
Abandon hope
to those
   less weary
and prepare yourself
for the inevitable
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Keith Wilson
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz
Keith Wilson
Blistering hot the other day
Humid heavy air
I prayed to the heavens
For more pleasant weather
And I thank the Lord
For making it cooler
And more bearable
Praise the Lord
You answered my prayers
The desert is a killer
An unforgiving foe
Be careful how you handle her
Take things very slow
If you are lost in her confines
Be careful where you go
It is best to hunker down
If you're in the know

Your enemy is water loss
Long sleeves are a must
Head cover is primary
A wide brim you can trust

Cover every inch of skin
Cover up your mouth
Do not expend your energy
Go north instead of south

North of cliffs you hide from sun
It's the sun that kills
Stay where you are... IMPORTANT!
Unless you have good skills

You can find water sometimes
By following the birds
Deer and other animals
This is what I've heard

Pile stones in cairns
Make arrows from sticks
Showing your direction
So rescuers find it

Always move at night
The temperature will plummet
Sometimes it gets very cold
And people do die from it

It is best to wear light clothing
Conserve body water, dont sweat much
The desert rats drink often
But do not eat their lunch
It is best not to eat it all
Or eat cactus fruit and such
It contains good water
But don't eat a lot. Don't munch.

water, Water, WATER!
Drink this at all costs!
Find shelter from the sun
If you do get lost

Going to the high ground
So you can see the land
Finding habitation
Of folks living in sand

Carry maps when possible
Carry Bowie knives
If you wear thick glasses
A fire could save lives!

Make a fire in the desert
Create light and smoke
Magnify the burning sun
With the glasses of which I spoke

Hand sanitizer can be a help
In starting any flame
Put lots of stuff creating smoke
Getting helps the game!

But stay out of the fire's heat
Unless you're very cold
Always conserve water
It is liquid gold!

Carry a Camelbak
A backpack with a tube
To drink the water easily
These are often used

Travel light! Important!
Conserve your energy
So you don't lose water
Analyze your ***

If it is light like lemonade
You're probably ok
If it's very dark
You'll need water that day

Keep your head, don't panic
It's best to keep your cool
You can think! You have a mind!
These tips are simply tools

There are other tips
To Google in your strife
Carrying a cell phone
Could just save your life!

(C) 9/18/2016
Carry and drink lots of water. Even for short hikes. Get under to stay cool. Deep shade is your friend. Look for cottonwoods and other large trees. Any tree that needs a lot of water. But don't assume all water is potable. Be very careful what you drink. If you ***** or get diarrhea you will lose water. Yelling out will not help. You will lose water through your mouth. Cover it and breathe through your nose. There are other ways to start a fire. Look those up on the internet. Be prepared!

Every year people are found in the desert. Dead because they did not prepare. Know your enemy. The desert can be a deadly foe! You have a friend in God. *PRAY!*

I am so sorry that I can't read or respond to commentary! I will endeavor to do that today. Thanks for understanding!

I hope this read was enjoyable and informative. Take care!

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