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take a chance and roll the dice
bounce them off the boards
you're the type that cheats and hoards
indulgent in your vice

you're the princes, you're the lords
but take my advice
be careful, or you'll pay the price
what can you afford?

you look at me and chuckled
you laughed right out loud
you're so foolish and so proud
depending on your knuckles

your countenance began to cloud
your reserve to buckle
you lost your luck, i said "oh well"

your mantle is your shroud.

(C) 9/18/2016
Thanks for reading!
Watercolor grass , growing dark
Roof of the earth , growing dark , growing dark
Rain wrapped in perfume whisper
Quiet room , ambient shadows , growing dark
Ever darker* ....
Copyright September 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
there was a letter stuck between the pages of my journal
that i forgot i had
it was from you

you had written to me how much happiness i gave you
and how you would do anything as long as it was with me
you told me you loved me

i cried when you gave it to me and now i'm crying as i'm reading it
thinking about how i put so much stock into the scribbled words
how i took it as a promise that you'd always love me

and i promised that i'd never leave you

i kept up my end of the promise
so i'm giving you the letter back to let you know the deal is off
i'm still here saying "as long as it's with you..."
 Sep 2016 Illya Oz

The rain has stopped,

the sun is shining bright
in blue September skies

and she is happy,
making the world

a more beautiful place

wherever she smiles
Compact Poem Series
Nutmeg firma , fractured window abstractions -
of quivering pools , of desire abating thirst
Life giver , abundant wavering ripples finding -
grassy shore , tinseled in gold , copper , bronze -
precious metals , beads of sweat traveling rippled flesh , every -
desperate breath filling life's circuitry till its
conclusive end
Foot trails laced in dandelion , purple wire ,
terra-cotta stone , marble and granite
The birth of monuments riddled o'er the fescue -
expression , Bluebird followers , curt winged
purveyors of decay , August clod bank rows , barbed -
wire orderly plats , distant wavers of unrelenting sun-glow facing -welcome centurion lodges
Copyright September 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Dark Clouds Gathered
The Skies
The Sun Has Stopped
Shinning On Us,
Once Again
Darkness Has Fallen
On Us............

The Emperor Has Spoken
A Star Has Been Picked
Among A Galaxy Of Stars

A Loss To the Human World,
A Gain To The world Of Angels
Grief Downstairs
Celebrations Upstairs

Death Has Passed
And Yet Claimed One Of Us
We Have Lost A Brother
But He's At Peace now
Born On the Other Side
Of Eternal Life,
Yes Death Is Just A Passage
To Eternal Life.....
We live forever
On the other side.......

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