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Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
My soul is set on
I'm in
the shower.
I sing in the shower. XD
Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
Through your tears
And my actions
Our fire went out
Our fire went out
your voice echoing
we're better than this
you've broken down
you've broken down
Though I have found
A life without love
is no way, to be found...
In a home without doors
I constructed your decor...
Out of memories
Out of memories
Guilt, blame, and shame
A spell left behind to keep
you locked away.....
Maybe someone can release you
Just had the urge to write.
Something along the lines of a break up, where a person knows they've put you in a place emotionally where you're cut off from others.
Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
The doctors gave me a pill not to feel
You place hands on me to heal
I try not to make this a big deal
I try not to make this a big deal

I'm trying not to deal
But I live in a casino
and the currency
is my sanity

I deal in sin
I deal in skin
Please don't take your hand away
I want to cash out

I want to let go of all of this
and tear up the deed
I want to sell everything
I want to go out of business
I want to wake up and whisper
Here once stood Casino Depression
The many words that come your way when explaining isn't so simple. But don't ever believe it's up to anyone else to save you from yourself. Support is great the end, you make the final decision to help, you.
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