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Worthless words
In wasted ink
Nowhere thoughts
Are all I think

Shall I map
This living mess
From death to birth
From cursed to blessed

As I write of love
Slipped through my hands
With every word
This heartbeat ******

To relive the past
In a flowery array
What worthless words
Would I convey ...
Traveler Tim
re to 04-17
When my daily visit  
Becomes 2 hours too long
When my guitar stands alone
I know it's time to play on
When I'm not here
The circuits don't cease
Everything in my world
Is poetry...

Said the Table to the Chair,
'You can hardly be aware,
'How I suffer from the heat,
'And from chilblains on my feet!
'If we took a little walk,
'We might have a little talk!
'Pray let us take the air!'
Said the Table to the Chair.


Said the Chair to the table,
'Now you know we are not able!
'How foolishly you talk,
'When you know we cannot walk!'
Said the Table with a sigh,
'It can do no harm to try,
'I've as many legs as you,
'Why can't we walk on two?'


So they both went slowly down,
And walked about the town
With a cheerful bumpy sound,
As they toddled round and round.
And everybody cried,
As they hastened to the side,
'See! the Table and the Chair
'Have come out to take the air!'
Backs on the wall
With the sunset and all,

The silence that existed between the spaces among our knees
And each time that our eyes meet,
I shiver in fear knowing that...
This is just a "moment"
That I might never have you

And the moon appeared along with the city lights
And there I am, hoping...
To have our backs at the wall
To have that silence between the spaces among our knees...
Happen again
With the chance of our eyes meeting again,
But this time without the thought of fear of just a... "moment"

I don't want you to be just a figment of my imagination
The power of resources beyond lack
Filling up every vacuum of want
What could we ever ask?
When there’s provision for what we need not yet

In Heaven’s Economy
Peace that passes understanding
Erasing the fear of depression
With enough confidence to face tomorrow
Provided through the network of faith

Heavens' Economy
Where the existence of famine is not recognized
Even the least budget is well organized
Its treasures are incorruptible
And only by faith is it accessible
Reserved for the people in His kingdom
Managed by His wisdom
Heaven’s economy, powered by God.

— The End —