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Christina Philipe
Portugal    Leakage from a hyperactive mind...
Giuseppi Martino Buonaiuto
Florida; Italy    Giuseppi Buonaiuto is a former commissioned officer and veteran; employed later by one of the more obscure government clandestine services. He holds numerous graduate degrees …
Tammie K
Matthew Berkshire
Chicago    From Miami, studied in New England, live in Chicago. Inspired by everything, awed by most, saddened by little.
solEmn oaSis
Malabon City Philippines    "continue reading" at the perfect time can follow the flow of a poet such like me, some kind of a mime now you see …
Arvind Krish
Kerala, India   
Jasmine Tran
Arizona    "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe
Ann M Johnson
Minnesota ( A Small Pop?)    All poems original Copyright of Ann M Johnson, unless otherwise noted 2013-2021. I love writing and reading poetry I also enjoying singing. I also appreciate …
Prabhu Iyer
Quantum Dot    Contemporary rhythm poet. Have a thing for the noir :) Blog: Facebook: Twitter: @iyerprabhu © 2012-2018 Prabhu Iyer. All rights reserved.
Dr Strange
Atlanta    The shadows are my home, In an abandoned shed I freeze As I rock back and forth thinking to myself Writing down ever letter that …
Ami Shae
On my own. Loving life (most of the time). Wishing I could find more time to write...seems the only time I feel real is when …
A girl who is learning that only changes that never change..
cosmo naught
adventures in mundanity
Praveen M N
India, Bangalore    I walk along in the shadow of time, for i know not where this leads, the road of mine. Like a baby looking at something …
21/Gender Nonconforming    My name is Bailey, I am twenty years old and I've been writing poetry since I could write. I also write music and the occasional …
My nickname is D.E.T. I enjoy writing. :) You are born to be you not to be someone else. You were born to love not …
In my head...    I read, write and love. All too much.
24/F/six feet under the stars    tired of feeling like somebody else's collateral damage
Misty Meadows
21/F/Pennsylvania    Sensitive narcissist
Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri
41/M/Amsterdam    ..damnant quod non inteligunt... ..the truth may hurt.., the lies they kill... always... © License under Creative Commons 4.0, BY-NC-ND
AnnaBell Osipchuk
F/Alaska    "Being brave is not about doing a dangerous thing, It's about doing the Right thing. ~By Luke Turner~" Ask me what would you like to …
In an Imaginary world    I am cute.. and lovely.. I like to play with my emotions and feelings and also my hobbie is paint ma body If u like.. …
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