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 Apr 2020 Gina
Rain on a flower
Rain on me
The sky has a plan
Tomorrow you will see
The sun shine again
In light of today's dream
 Apr 2020 Gina
The Foodie One
 Apr 2020 Gina
The Foodie One
What am I?
I do not know;
This thing inside
is beating, though.
© 16/03/2019
 Apr 2020 Gina
we loved each other so violently and relentlessly
we danced with each other’s demons
and kissed each other’s scars

we were so utterly consumed by each other
that we both forgot we were in hell.
 Apr 2020 Gina
Noa Adler
I want you
To be rough with me
In the gentlest way.

I want you
To pull me apart
And make me whole.

I want you
To dominate me
As your equal.

I want you
Yet so incredibly human.
 Apr 2020 Gina
This burden is too great, I find betrayal such a heavy load. Tis not enough to say that I can pray it away, when the devil lives just down the road.
Out of sight does sometimes mean out of mind.
 Apr 2020 Gina
 Apr 2020 Gina
Noting changes.
Nothing grows.

Empty highs.
Empty lows.

I can't feel the warm,
And I can't feel the cold.

You try to make me happy,
And I try just for you.
But other than our trying,
Nothing else is new.

I worry I'll upset you,
If I can't make a change.
It's not fair of me,
To make you stay the same.
Don't let me drag you down with me.
 Apr 2020 Gina
you feel too little
and i feel too much.
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