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Farnok Jun 2014
Sleep is my most dear friend,
It's what I always need in the end.

Sleep is not always easy to come by,
But its easy here with you beneath this moonlit sky.
Farnok Jun 2014
Love is a special, two way street,
On which one day some may place their feet.

To truly love someone you must understand,
Change from them you can never demand.
Farnok Jun 2014
My father has always been a mystery, to me,
I see him every day and yet I never hear him say,
A word about a different place, the place he came here from,
About his life before me I know not, I don't know where or how his life begun.

Was it filled with work and study,
Without a day to go out and play?
Or did he run, go out often and have fun?
Perhaps his life was tough from the moment it had begun.

All these questions I really want to ask,
But bringing these topics up with him will be a most arduous task.
I really want to know it all about this man I've loved since I was small,
I hope someday he learns to share and realizes that I really do care.
  Jun 2014 Farnok
A K Krueger
Driving slow, late at night,
in the 3 AM rain.
It happened suddenly;
"Pit, pat, pit, pat",
it spattered lightly on my windshield.
I should have smelled it coming, I thought;
I usually always do.
This I conclude as I make my random rounds,
through the place we call "our town",
that I must be more distracted
than I initially thought.
As I take in the sound gratefully,
(not as familiar to me in the midst of a Summer season)
I bathe in the Afterglow
without any particular reason.
It then occurred to me that it has been years
since I listened to slow music without fear of tears.
I don't know...
Some tell me the rain makes them sad.
For me, somehow,
it makes me feel safe.
The sound is a comfort,
the smell is a comfort,
the sight is a beautiful thing,
a miracle, if you will.
That we can somehow be cleansed
by the laws of nature, by the heavens above,
without asking... Doesn't it leave you in awe?
I am not afraid of the weather.
I long for all of it.
Because, I don't see sadness in the falling water.
In it, I don't see fear of what is to come,
or what has been.
I see nothing, for the rain encompasses all,
and locks me in the moment with it.
I feel everything warm, for it perfectly juxtaposes
all that is soft and well.
We can feel beauty without fear.
We can feel pain without consequence.
It holds me like an embrace from a father,
and reminds me that I am, in fact, Here,
and all is, in fact, Now.

Yes, I feel eternity in the rain.
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