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Oct 2015 · 639
Finally Free
As I sit in the corner and reflect on all your lies
I have nothing left to do, but break down and cry
You knew it would end, you knew it would perish
You knew one day, we’d have to say goodbye
You told me you loved me, you told me you cared
But the rage inside slowly flared
The moments we shared replay in my head
Along with all the sweetest lies you said
You thought it was a game, you’d easily win
But in the end you felt nothing within
Deep down inside, there was a big empty space
That I now realize, you couldn’t replace
Something about you helped me see
That without your love, I’m finally free
Free from pain, free from lies
Free from having tears in my eyes
Without your love, I have come to see
All the horrid things you’ve come to be
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Happily Ever After
Every time I see you, I feel regret, I messed up
And I can’t fix it, because you’re with her and have moved on
I can’t help, but still love you, I don’t want to
But I know that I do, why can’t I move on?
Why did you have to move on to her?
Why’d you have to get your fairytale
When I am alone without her happily ever after moment?
You get yours, she gets hers
It seems like everyone has their
Happily ever moment, except me
And I want mine
No, I deserve mine
Oct 2015 · 373
I jumped, you caught me.
I laughed, you joked
I was down, you picked me up
I crumbled, you glued me back together
I loved you. You loved me back

You jumped, I couldn’t catch you
You forgot to laugh, I couldn’t remind you
You were down, I couldn’t hold you
You crumbled, I had no glue
You loved me, I still love you

Without any warning or sign
You ventured to a world divine
I refused to say goodbye, yet tonight I cry
My tears are for you, my friend
But our time will not end
For I shall see you soon
But first I have some living left to do
I promise I won’t forget
Your face is embedded in my heart
I wrote this when i was feeling down
Oct 2015 · 340
I may not be his first, his last or his only
He has cared about someone else before me and perhaps will again
But he cares for me now and that’s all that matters
I don’t expect him to be perfect, because I know I’m not
He may not think of me every single second,
And I may not be the center of his universe
But he gave me a piece of him that I can break
So I won’t hurt him or try to change him
My only promise is I’ll make him smile, when he makes me happy
Yell when he makes me mad, miss him when he’s gone
And love him like he’ll never break my heart
Oct 2015 · 984
My knees start to shake
When you’re in sight.
My Mind filled with wonder,
My Heart with fright.

When will this feeling stop?
When did this feeling start?
How can I listen to my mind?
Without breaking my heart?

Im so Confused
I don’t know what to do.
I can’t think of anything
Except for you.

Should I ignore you?
Or just give it time
I can’t think straight,
My heart is controlling my mind.
I wrote this when I was a freshman, because I had a huge crush on a senior and i was way to scared to tell him how I felt.

— The End —