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Ellentelligence May 2016
In the morning
the suns radiant kiss on my forehead
kaleidoscope colors
One of those...
Ellentelligence May 2016
In the dead of night, darkness befell
oozing noises of lost souls
the monster crept behind the frightened
feeding off their fear till it beckoned them

Its eyes were red and its body black
a body that a naked eye could not portrait
its speed was fast and impossible to see
for its goal was to bring chaos

the children hid in an abandoned house
waiting, panting, loss of hope
for this creature, one of them it took
and slowly, they were being thinned

then out of nowhere a big wind arrived
like fog that blacked all view
the monster was nowhere to be seen
for this wind, a new fear it stroke

slowly a big hand in the mid air appeared
ascending from heaven, seconds slowly
it hit the ground and imprinted itself
the wind vanished and a new day arose

the children came out of the house
rays of light hit their cold bodies and they took new breath of life
the darkness and wind both, were gone
A dream 23/05/2016
Ellentelligence May 2016
After carefully considering the eternal rewards of the choices i make today, i have come to the conclusion that i will not spend an eternity in a burning furnace gnashing my teeth, crying, weeping & moaning. So, i refuse you access to my life, i reject you, in fact to me you are an old underwear i have discarded.  I cant stand a mere sunny day, how would i survive being barbecued in fire? Nope, i cant, i wont! I would rather die young, faithful to GOD & be happy forever than to live a long sinful life on earth only to suffer even longer. I wont give you the satisfaction of owning my precious soul in hell, nah..never. And FYI, i will take as many souls with me as i can. Deal with that! Done.
Signed, a soul on fire. Child of GOD, the one true king.
Ellentelligence May 2016
Somewhere between ego and distance, love lost - we became strangers.,
Ellentelligence May 2016
Have you ever heard the wind blow
as silent as the night
a breeze on a summer day

Have you ever heard a small whisper
that gives you hope when you had none
like invisible crutches propping you up

Have ever found yourself mumbling
words you did not speak
but sound familiar all the same

That is the spirit wind
wind which is conceived by love
Love which is made of you
you who is made by God
God who speaks to you in that small still voice
Listen to God speaking to you in that small still voice
Ellentelligence May 2016
You cannot go without noticing her
in a room full of strangers
she always stands out
poised and dignified
she wears beauty of the nine lights
her body soft like fine silk
her heart is that of a child
loving and warm
she speaks for the voiceless
and acts for the weak and vulnerable
when you meet her you will notice
she wears a scarf of three colors
black, red, green
the colors of her nation
nothing more captivating this duchess
the Malawian duchess
when you meet her say your hellos
I'll answer you back
for I am her
a young Malawian duchess
the first and last of my kind
Malawi is a small but beautiful country. She is peaceful and warm at heart. She is surrounded by vast amounts of water filled with the most delicious fish called Chambo. Her vegetation and landscape is rare and breathtaking. And on top of all that, she is God-fearing. If you ever get the chance, stop by and say your hellos :p she is after all, the warm heart of Africa.
Ellentelligence May 2016
I loved you before you
With love, God.
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