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There are days one feels dead to everything
but eternity and poetry
 Aug 2019 Elisabeth
Diána Bósa
I am looking for a blueprint for love
the one I've once felt about you.
The perfect blue paper
that helps me figure things out
that tells secrets about a lover's skin and sighs
- the ones I knew as yours.
Now I wish to redraw, then admire its design:
relearn, then follow its patterns
down to my very heart.
I want to rebuild its structure,
recreate the way that is no more,
to have the perfect edition of it;
a guide to my true self,
the one who once knew what it felt like
to be in love with someone like you.
One moment the waters are calm
And the next, you are weathering the storm
The unpredictability of life
May differ from the norm
Another moment you may see darkness
And the next, the sun will shine
It is up to you to push those clouds away
In order to keep everything in line

— The End —