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  Jan 2018 Zach
Do you know what you do to my heart?
every time you laugh I fall apart.
Do you know how much I care?
Do you want the truth or just a dare?
The truth is I love your smile,
for you I'd run for miles.
I love your perfect personality,
your my favorite part of reality.
I love the jokes you tell,
for you I'd walk through hell.
I think your adorable and sweet in every way,
I wish I could ask you to stay.
I've fallen for you without your consent,
I hope you think I'm at least decent.
If only you knew,
I Heart You.
To my amazing crush
Zach Jan 2018
A noob is a term used in video games to describe someone who is new and bad at the game.

In some aspects, life is a game

And I'm the biggest noob at it.

See, I'm not that new to life. Been at this gig for 17 years and going.

But I lack a lot of experience.

See, if you imagine life as a video game, as you grow there are a lot of skills you can learn if you invest the time in learning them

Well..... I didn't invest in learning how to love.

I've just never thought I would actually get to.
  Jan 2018 Zach
Heart of Silver
You're suffering, I can see
so would you let me hold your hand?
Cause, you're right. I don't really understand

but what I do get is that while my
words can't always erase the pain in your heart
I can hold you close to me and keep you from falling apart
I'll hold you together- physically and mentally. You just have to let me. I don't always know or understand what you're going through, but I promise I'll always be there for you.
Zach Jan 2018
Each and every day I wake up with you on my mind

I wish you a good morning and tell you a daily reminder that you're beautiful and I love you

I know you won't be able to respond until much time has passed, but I can wait.

Time is but a tool I'll use in my favor

Time is for mistakes to heal, choices to be reconsidered, thoughts to be gathered.

I'll see you later and ask how you are, how was your day, and I don't always get the same response, but either way

I'm glad I can still talk to you at all

While some things are fleeting, I hope this is forever

Whether we're hanging out with a group or just the two of us, I may not show it, but I'm loving every second

If only we weren't just voices and faces heard and seen from a monitor
Zach Jan 2018
If you asked me late last night, I'd think things are hopeless

If you asked me an hour ago, I could still be easily persuaded as such

If you asked me 5 minutes ago...

I'd tell you that I'm more sure of myself and my decisions

If you asked me now...

I'd tell you I've never been more sure of anything in my life

I refuse to let this happen again, I will fight to make it happen and I will not give up till an exact conclusion is made

Either we are

Or we aren't
Zach Jan 2018
When I grow attached to someone, there's a chance I may come to love them

You'll know when you truly are in love with someone when you see just faintest smile on their lips and you feel the warmth of a sun's strongest hug binding you to them
Zach Jan 2018
Someday I'll be elderly and sickly

Someday I know I won't have much longer left

Only then will I be more sure of anything in my entire life

I want to look the woman I love in her beautiful eyes, smile and reminisce about our youth

I want to tell my children one last piece of advice for their own kids, because I want them to succeed where I fail

I want to pet my loving pet who stayed by me for so long

I want to call my longtime best friend and thank them for all that they've done

I don't want to die. It is a scary thought

However nothing is forever, unless we're talking about my love for all things that made me the man I am.
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