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Apr 2019 · 450
...make it stop
Drunk poet Apr 2019
It's almost a decade now
But it seems like yesternight
Stone blind giving up his life for me
Deluged in the abyss forever
A part of me he took with him
Though gone,but I sense him
He seems so real,so evident
He is everywhere I think
My imaginations ****** up of him
Insanity getting better of me
I'm an embodiment of illusions
Powerless,my life shreds away
How will I make it stop?

pain, pain go away
Come again another day.
pain, pain go away
Let this agony fade away
Because my eyes has emptied the water in my body
My trangular life preaches pills, potion and coffee
Tell me, can you make it stop?
Like tattoo the scars wont stop from showing
And like Mississippi the tears won't stop flowing
How will I make it stop?

I'm swimming in my pool of tears
I can hear the reverberation of your voice, of how you cared
You gave me love, then you added pain and despair
I feel like tearing my heart into pieces to stop it from aching
I'm on fire, no amount of CO2 can quench
If there were a soothing balm, I'd rub my heart with it.
I want to heal.
How do I stop this misery?
How do I make it all history?
How do I make it stop?

©Rhoda ❎DrunkPoet ❎BobTony
Oct 2018 · 592
Reciprocate my love
Drunk poet Oct 2018
You know what they say
"one good turn deserves another"
I think they meant to say
"one good love deserves another"
I hope you see this someday
Sep 2018 · 382
Altered altar
Drunk poet Sep 2018
. ... again tonight?
Just like other thousands of faded nights
Against the floor or the wall at the view of tender eyes
Well, maybe to the bed if am so lucky In silence darkness, dead!, literally
Then I'd moan at your every breath To avoid another bruise with colored artwork
You'd kiss me with your alcoholic soaked lips
While my eyes stay dead open
Tracing the mole on my body Or the mole on my scar?
My soul curses the youthful exuberance that made you my nightmare
{the poet that stinks with lines ⚟}
Aug 2018 · 1.9k
Reunited a gunshot
Drunk poet Aug 2018
I don't know, I... I can't describe it
I just wish your feet didn't move you to my door
I wish the ***** didn't burn so hot in me after
that little big fight
Now my lips keep ******* my tears
on words with "had I know"
I wish the liquor store had closed before that hour
Or better still, the bottle disposed
But it happened so fast that I lost my myself to another self
My anger met jealousy, like fire unionised with gasoline
I don't know, I... I... I can't des... Or maybe do I understand now
You were the page in my diary I tore
And the coin that slip of my pocket in the rain
Well, I'll wipe my tears away
For after just one gunshot I will be there to give you my apologies
{the poet that stinks with lines⚟}
Aug 2018 · 436
*Not today, not ever!*
Drunk poet Aug 2018
You are back?
Again with your perfumed lies like roses
To tell me you are wrong and probably sorry
To lick up my tears with your apologies
You are back
To pour me lies from the same lips I love to kiss
Again to pin me to the wall with your lovely punchlines
Reminding me of the world awaiting us
But today I will sit on this cushion
And watch you use your magic on me
I will wait for your lips to stop pouring out the lies
Then I will say "get out! "
      To her who conquered my heart with beautiful lies
Drunkpoet {the poet that stinks with lines}
Aug 2018 · 533
In tale we remember you
Drunk poet Aug 2018
Aduke fear befell the sun
She knelt dreadfully before your succulent eyes
Fright encamped the stars
as ur beauty overshadowed their shines

The gods gazed down from their huts
To have a glimpse of your paradisaic beauty
Aduke mi, kings give their thrones away
Just to spend a half of second to witness your smile

Adukeeeeee, my dear old nation
Now children gather to listen to the tale of your beauty
As they catch warmth of fire
Made by wood from the forest you were buried
Jul 2018 · 3.8k
Desert, our new home
Drunk poet Jul 2018
Not so long ago we were made orphans                                                          ­                                                        Plucked form the family tree that grew us into a nation                                                           ­                                        Phobia struck us like cholera                                                          ­                                                                 ­          Religion armed us against our brothers                                                         ­                                                                Leaders occupied with zero point agenda.
Blood, our special kind of rain                                                             ­                                                                 ­           poverty, the only completed government project                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                Corruption, our newly designed flag                                                             ­                                                                 ­  And breath, our only hope.
Empty caskets call silently for our body                                                             ­                                                             As we shoved old bones to make room for new ones                                                             ­                                         Our pain covered with GREEN and WHITE paints                                                           ­                                                          Pain, pain all over and over again.
We've found a new home                                                             ­                                                                 ­                           Back in the ruins, where we came from                                                             ­                                                                 ­ Let's mske our tents,and forget fishing traps                                                            ­                                              Because we might be here for an hundred while.

May 2018 · 345
No place for my dream
Drunk poet May 2018
I've been gifted with the curse to wield a black skin
In a society where dreams metamorphosize to nightmares
Boarding a taxi of unfulfilled dreams
Dancing around the edge of a razer blade

Misery and pain kiss my dreams
As they all queue to take turns on me like humans on ATM
Hope disappears like **** in a fan firm
And my head is stuck between the pace of my legs

Achievementphobia strikes like cholera
And anguish jets on souls like ebola
With millions of dead dreams and thousands hospitalized

Today I will pack my Shattered dream
And move on with the littlest crumbs of hope in me
To journey through valleys, mountains and ocean
That I may find a place for my dream somewhere
May 2018 · 401
... If you tell anyone
Drunk poet May 2018
He crept his feet that night like a scorpion
Dead, even to the sensitivity of nature
His presence was patched with uncertain aura
Epilepsy at a time, later turmoil in saturation
My God!
I should have known by his sophisticated demeanors
And his beguiled compliments on my velvet lips
His reckless talks of treating me like a queen
And the dexterous hold my hips
His hands could bear witness that night
As my breath shuffled away
"be gentle! " and for your own good, "be quite! "
He did it like he had been born for it
... And my silent groans and moans died unheard
Now I only forward to my friend karma
But shhhhhhhh
He'll **** me!
... If you tell anyone

Apr 2018 · 274
Drunk poet Apr 2018
Tonight, we'll forget about poetry and sweet lullabies
To compose our own songs of Solomon
The stars will watch over us through curtains of love
My emotions will be covered in the fragrance of yours

Tonight, we'll both be lost
Only to find ourselves in the wilderness of affection

Tonight, I'll feel your breathe and against mine
Our skin meshed together as we cross many lines
As my nose trace the moles of your body
From vein to veins

Tonight we Shall both speak in languages we know not
Until the liquor loses its grip on us
And have our neighbors inspired to do same
Mar 2018 · 295
I won't
Drunk poet Mar 2018
I won't taxi around the tears you gave me
And the bogus hopes you lend me
I won't hover around the pieces you've made
And the dagger you left in my heart
I won't longer mind the sauce of pain and love
You made me taste
And the silly things I did in the shadows of love
Now we play only on each other's memories
But know this, you are not the one am thinking of tonight

Mar 2018 · 222
Drunk poet Mar 2018
Today we'll sing the victory song
Today, the rhythm of elegiac melodies and hymns dirges we will forget.
As our broken dry lips take new cosmetics  
Today we'll do the victory dance
Today, the rhythm of our drums will command
The beaded waits of our maidens
Giving the them the attributes of a restless tambourine
Today, soldiers we are!
Not on the battle fields, rather in battle
Against gallons palm-wine
As we drink by the epitaph of our own old  misery
Today we'll gather around our pantheon
As the smokes of our offerings invite them to our midst
Today we'll bid agony welfare
Feb 2018 · 263
Let me
Drunk poet Feb 2018
I wish to spill my thoughts on the papyrus of your heart
And to Crest my love on the skin of your emotions
I want you to be the dream I will never wake up from
And the only rain that will ever kiss my soil

I wish to dive into the pool of your love
That I may be drown in your deepest emotions
I want you to crush me with the rock of your sympathy
And from your fountain of desires I wish to have a drink

I wish to have my heart beating in your hands
That my fingertips and ink will poetically publish our love story
And have men praise me for my heroic love stupidity

Just like Romeo, I wish to be breathtakingly foolish enough
To die for you
Because I know love is a little slice of insanity.
Balogun David Tolulope
Jan 2018 · 1.1k
Pain kissed hopes
Drunk poet Jan 2018
I've always wanted to design dreams
Not to chase them like kids after butterflies in the fields
But to decorate and further furnish them.
I've always wanted to mend dreams
Not to be the one with the broken pieces of dreams
But to repair them with the kisses of hope.
But just like a  chameleon nature changed her wardrobe
And like the space in-between an anvil and an hammer,
I lost my needle and tools to time.
Now, when we the sun comes up
I host troubles
Even when the sun goes down
I host double of the prior troubles
Only I hope, it won't be forever!
Balogun David Tolulope
Drunk poet Jan 2018
I've met maggots in my jar of salt
Boomerang they say
But quite interesting I found them
Like cattles, evil had roamed in my thoughts
Devil they called me
But really adventurous I found them
I had copulation with entangled women
With barriers on them, like mango trees embargoed by landlords
But more pleasurable they seemed
I tasted the venom of snakes
They touched my soul like an airplane
Because above all these,
one kind of death will surely **** a man.
Balogun David Tolulope
Jan 2018 · 321
My country, an harlot
Drunk poet Jan 2018
I saw her head graciously sitting on a spike
And her blood meandered through the edge of a pike
Her whole parts divided into a lesser whole
The rain of truth pummeled and pull out her pole
An ingrate who has no regards for the gift of the gods
For the ******* and well structured buttock without odds
To produce a great nation
But she lust  after the beauty of corruption
And slept with cultures of other nations
Jan 2018 · 280
Dear wind, blow me
Drunk poet Jan 2018
Back to our primitive society
Where unity and tranquility were the mainstay of the community
When religion dare not defile us,
Now putting knives and deadly sticks in our hands
Dear wind, please *******.
Back to those archaic periods,
When government bled not our hearts
When power to rule was not power to ****
Dear wind, please *******.
Back to to those barbaric periods
When our maidens won't have to move naked
To look like a queen
Where we don't animalize ourself in the name of civilization
Dear wind, please ******* back
Dear wind, *******
Back in time, I plead to you
When the word "tradition" and "culture" was untainted,
When the gods played in our midst like monkey on trees,
Yes! When we were not civilized but lived long.
Balogun David Tolulope {Drunk_poet}
Dec 2017 · 329
Another sad love story
Drunk poet Dec 2017
Let me tell you a tragic romantic tale
I won't bore you with Shakespeares
Not with Othello's tragic flaw
Nor with Romeo and Juliet's melodramatic flairs
And definitely not with the stupid love adventure of Prince of Tyre.
Let me tell you another sad story
Not Jack's hypothermic death in Titanic
Nor about my beloved Lucy whom I lost to the shadows of time
I won't make you snore with these
Love has lost her value with us
As she sits on the couch of poetry
I watch her sob, soaked in her own very tears
Because we have forgotten what she  means.
Yes, we no longer know the meaning of love
... And this is the sad love story
Drunk poet
Dec 2017 · 580
Drunk poet Dec 2017
I keep fading into the memories of yesterday
I keep feeling the movements of your shadow in my heart
As I sit here on the bench of hope that they will fade away
But am broken, just at the thought of you
I keep trumping through the forest of memories
I keep staring at the empty chair in my heart
As I sit here watching your images play on my mind
Like kids on rollercoasters
But am falling far beyond time
Stubborn memories that conquer the arms of time
Grow in me like tumor.
You were the poetic lines I could not complete
You were dream I woke up from too soon
And the priceless pearl I could not keep
Drunk poet
Dec 2017 · 365
Pretty beast
Drunk poet Dec 2017
I know you wield the beauty of flowers
And sweet scent of roses you emit.
Yes, you dwell in a city called love,
In a region we call emotion
... But please tell me, who are you?

Your eulogy has no end,
And your praises know no limits.
For your "ode" is someone else's "elegy".
Sometimes you bring tears, sometimes smiles
... But please tell me, who are you?

When will you visit me?
At my dusk or my dawn?
Today or tomorrow?
No need be, I beg of you
For my eyes are unworthy to behold your beauty
... But please tell me, who are you?

She replied me and said
I  wield the Beauty of  black roses
The madness in hearts of men I am
I  wear prettiness, but a monster I am!
And tears is my signature!
For I am pain!
Balogun Tolulope David
(Drunk poet) 2017
Dec 2017 · 484
An ode to imperfection
Drunk poet Dec 2017
Sometimes I beat myself up in your glory,
And sometimes my tears flow like river Nile in your honor.
Your wonders on me are misery and dolor,
And starting over is your judgment.

I know failure is a tool in your hands,
And pain is your mercy.
You are a warlock, who conquers hearts and lands
A general you are, that breaks one in pieces.

You are a pause in success,
And disappointment is your surname.
A predator that preys on even lions,
And auguish is your mercy.

But I know you a soldier that matches me on
Keeps me alive to push harder and harder,
Makes me go further and further,
To struggle, until success is my slave.
Balogun David Tolulope
{drunk poet}
Nov 2017 · 605
Devil's playground
Drunk poet Nov 2017
I know of a mysterious being,
Dressed in suits, but bestowed with ancient voices.
I know of a magician,
A supernatural astounder, who performs in hearts of men.
I know of a trickster,
Whose tricks surpass that of tortoise in folklores
And whose dark long hat is made with anguish.
I know of a sorcerer, who performs in hearts of men.
He, who gives without notifying hesitation,
Comes to take with without invitation .
I know of a wizard, giver of caps but taker of heads
And he lives in hearts of men .
Of a riddler I know,
Whose riddles creates chaos in minds of scholars.
I know of a man, who visited me not long ago,
A merchant of Venice looking for a land to sow.
On his hand lies arrow and bow
Ready to shoot into the dearest of hearts
Saying "am coming to you, to create my mark "
And he lives only in the shadows
Balogun David Tolulope
(Drunk poet)
Oct 2017 · 561
Defeated, not defeated
Drunk poet Oct 2017
Screams, Sighings, groanings
I heard in whispers as it echoes in my soul
Fallen! We are, on the battlefield
Like an egg, smashed on a rocky surface
Our fate now decided by our foes
Cries I heard,
As the ****** of spears move through our hearts
Clattering of swords echoes, and vibrated off our arms
Waters I drank,
That flows from my eyes alongside with blood from my veins
Defeated we are! Captives we became.
Our women married off like harlots without bride prices
Our sons led off to be slaughtered like cows in the abattoir
Our gods disregarded like a king, naked in the market
We are defeated, but not defeated
For mothers will name their sons after us!
Men will bow and worship us like gods in temples!
Girls will scream our names when their lovers excite them
Wives  will sing our names when they gaze at their *** of Bush meats
For we are only defeated, not defeated.

Balogun David Tolulope
(drunk poet)
Sep 2017 · 358
Only through memories
Drunk poet Sep 2017
Only through memories
It was not far before long
When our stares would meet all night long
Your little smiles I would see, when my lips
Sing you a beautiful song
It was really brief before far
Together at the right side of our sofa
Sharing dreams of being called Mama and Papa
And our love be of this dream's ladder
It was not far before now
When our love began to go down
Like a stormy rain that receives a peaceful
It went puff like the smoke of tobacco
From the tender balm of our palm
It won't be soon after a long while
When salty rain from my eyes will follow this Last line
I see you only through memories, as days begot day
And it comes and go like menstrual pain
Balogun David Tolulope
(Drunk poet)
Sep 2017 · 348
Sister Mary's necklace
Drunk poet Sep 2017
I have been caught by her beautiful beauty
Like a fish in the neck
My heart becomes a mortar and her eyes a pistol whenever I gaze around her neck.
Sister Mary's necklace
Whose ornament of trinket captured my timid eyes
Causing my lips to make soundless sighs of grasping twice
Whose ornament rolls in a valley subdued between two mountains
Or perhaps towers of grace
Forgive me father, if my description of her turn you on
Maybe I read too much of the songs of Solomon
Only heavens knows the treasures that lies in the
secret Place beneath her habit
Her  smiles I love, plus her caring habit
Her gentle gaze caused my mind to race
Into an unknown land I can not trace
Causing hands movement into the darkest of places
Even in the presence of solemn praises
Oh sister Mary, how can I describe your tender embrace?
Warmer than a cathigan made of fur
But too rapid like the space in between my pace
Your celestical dove on the chest I first admired,
When I was four and all I remember was that
My heart became dim and somehow blur
It caused my the meshing of our souls in circles
Sister Mary
Who makes me scream "holy Mary mother of our savior"
For the thought of her savors my tender sins
For her body I see, even I my dreams
For  here I am at the confessional,
Forgive me father  for it has been a day since my last confession
Yet, it feels like a century
Balogun David Tolulope+ anonymously anonymous
{drunk poet}
Sep 2017 · 267
Drunk poet Aug 2017
Arise, O ye unworthy sons
Conceived in the belly of an harmless zebra
Raised by fathers of gutless mind
Who dug our Graves with golds
Gotten from their unquenching cravings for dusted
Fantasy of our shoveled dreams
They battled with the ones in white skin
"heroes" they were called, cause they fought
In one anchor
The sang of songs from the lips like birds
Defending their territory, lyriced freedom.
But the corpse of shame litters our gaze
The injured hearts with withered hope of greatness
Bleed our progress
So we weep  heavily in saddened outburst
Cause we failed and our blood has turned black
For we "unworthy sons" they begot
The black bird of woes cries in a desolate
For even the bones mourn us for their odds
We are!
Of what now be their heroic deeds?
Of what scores now be their victory?
For we search apprecia-fun,
When our little knowledge is torn.
©️ Balogun David Tolulope
{drunk poet}
A parody my country's national athem
Aug 2017 · 360
Reign of insanity
Drunk poet Aug 2017
My people,
Deprive not your eyes of it's sight
That we see the flames, dancing on our huts
Like a stripper in a club night
For here we are, bleeding without a cut
Listen people!
That we may ear the roaring laugter
Of the big boys at our own handed damnation
For the shame is sweet and our tongue compromised
We are pathetic, yet, we call ourselves a nation
My people,
The seed we planted, has grown branches
The calamity we dreamt of has stopped by, to say "hello"
Corruption and his brothers seem to have come to stay
The big ones laugter grows more as we fight this flame with fire
Sons of a shoemaker,
Walking barefooted in the woods
May Heavens come to our rescue,
For our shadows has come to hunt us
And our herbalist has no clue how to make the  concoction to heal our insanity.
Balogun David Tolulope
{drunk poet}
Jul 2017 · 503
The optimist's creed
Drunk poet Jul 2017
Fate has choked on us
Our life driven by wind on monstrous sea
Conquered by our friendly foes
Invoking death and tears accompanied with plague
On our fatherland
Tonight, we bury our deads
For the they have joined our ancestors
Let us dress up our wounds for our visit
To the ancestors has been postponed
Let us sharpen our blades and smoothen our spears
For this is just our prologue
May fear not be the guest
But the gods in their very best
As we sit round the fireside,
May the gods ignite the fire inside
Sing! For this is the last dirge our lips would sing
Lay the young ones to sleep and sing them sweet lullabies
That they  may take shield in their tender dream
We fight back
Like Herculean with strength on
We write fate with ink on the clouds
Commanding death on our foes like rain on pastures
No one tell our story like us!
Balogun David Tolulope {drunk poet}
Jul 2017 · 348
A city called home
Drunk poet Jul 2017
It's been over two decades
Since I was evicted from my mother's womb
Naked I was, like the world herself
Clothed with tragedy and couples of disdemeanor
I become one of the grasses
On which two elephants vindicated
Suffering from the friendly smile of the sunlight
And the  fair hospitality of the wretched moonlight
Then my thoughts sat me down
I know about poor luxuries downtown
And big fishes now drowning in Mississippi
Hmmm.... Vague world with little clarity!
But news came to me
Like hurdles and puzzles of past years
A place beyond the moon and the stars
Where I will **** from golden *******
And listen to tales from the  mouth of "countless kola"
Balogun David Tolulope {drunk poet}
Jul 2017 · 487
Solid thoughts
Drunk poet Jul 2017
My feet move me
Like a sailor determining the
Fate of a ship
Kilometers I move, away from my hut's threshold
Where I battle in thoughtless thoghts
Solid thoughts,
Roaming on my mind like hawkers
On the streets of Lagos
I felt the tears of the cloud
Drenching me with knowledge on
My only piece of "ankara"
Where would fate lead me?
For I fear it's forces may ******* into
The forest of unfulfilled dreams
Will I end up like my fathers?
Who had many wives with shorten lives
Ha! I need the compass of life
Let me excrete myself on the platform
Of golds not of the gods
Not reality in an invidious thoughts
Yes, I decide my fate!
Not the gods, reality or some stupid thoughts!
Balogun David Tolulope
Drunk poet*©️2017
Jul 2017 · 623
Sister Bisi
Drunk poet Jul 2017
Sister Bisi,
A serial fashion killer
From what I remember, her beauty was men's dealer.
Her ostrich legs would move her,
Like a car without adequate fuel
See, I doubt it if sister Bisi could really "****"
Sister Bisi,
Her smiles could make you render
Her your head,
Of course, before placing her head-drink,
You would be dead!
Calling her "Beautiful" was an understament
Sister Bisi,
I once believed she was a witch
Her eye lashes elongated like  palm fronds
She could barely swallow "amala"
But she could linger on "noodles" and
Her lips would dance like flowers in the air
When she says "like seriously"
Sister Bisi,
I admire you, till yesterday,
When a circle of unending presence beheld you
Besides the "gutter" you could barely cross
Your twins on the chest shaved away!
Like demolition of  our public library.
"she's been used" I heard from murmurs, I was keen
Only to know that you were a "slay queen"
Balogun Tolulopez Ayodeji David(drunk poet)
ANA Aaua chapter
African story
Jun 2017 · 1.7k
lost orphans
Drunk poet Jun 2017
Under the trees we danced
Around blue made fires
With love and unity
Entertained with flutes and moonlight stories
Dropping from the toothless mouth of our elders
Accompanied with Wise words and warnings
That we may not be blown by the wind
Or drenched by the rain
Soon,we became orphans
Left with no breast to ****
Fathers and mothers lost in battle
Against unceasing slumber
We are alone like an island surrounded
By waters of civilization
Now we are lost ,lost in ignorance
Our hands,not strong enough
To hold firm the calabash
Given to us by our dead
Filled up with warnings and wise words
So we lost it!
Our hen is pregnant
But claims the goat is responsible
We lack fountain
But beg for water
Our barns are full with yams
But we gnash our teeth in hunger
We have golds
But cry for stones
Our eyes are open
Yet,blind to behold
As the beauty of our rainbow unfolds.

Balogun Tolulopez Ayodeji David
(Drunk poet)
ANA AAUA chapter
Drunk poet Jun 2017
It seems like yesterday
When I crawled down from my mother's
Drenched in blood and covered with nakedness
Compelled to cry,to give smiles and laughter
That I may not run to my fathers' tomb
Love and warmness were the embodiment of my first breathe
Soon, am employed, to chase away goats
And fowls in the neighborhood
I recited poems and my lips sing songs
To the moon and the beautiful stars
I danced in rain and played in the hay
With flowers not rollercoaster
The thought of life being all about
Rainbows and unicorns cling to my mind
Failure must be the treasure that is hard
To find
But the sun laughed at my ignorance
Now,I heard a call!
Echoing in waves through my childhood
The call of the future itself
I climbed hills and Cross oceans
Wilderness and valleys hosted me
Lion and tigers I battled
In the forest of rare determination
Looking for the bed of roses
But still lingering in my dream
And for I fear I might be woken
Soon enough
Balogun Tolulopez Ayodeji David
( Drunk poet)
Of course..... All right reserved!!
I have seen my bed of roses at the presidential Villa.......
May 2017 · 363
Offered a seat
Drunk poet May 2017
I heard the sound gongs
That echoes vehemently through
The dept of my solemn soul
The call, of which I must answer
O crier! Bearer of the voice of the ancient ones
Calling unto me, to come have a seat amongst the ancestors.
I fear that I might be gone
Too soon to give thee my " adieu "
I fear that you might be the hands to wash me in my death
I fear I might be gone!
Far gone to share in your "kola" and "palm wine"
Oh! I fear that My lands,barns,wives and Concubines would fall in your hands after my Exit from this naked world.
But I would smile
When my soul gazes down
Seeing myself in the round circles
Of your unending presence
I would dance to sweet dirges from you lips
I would smile when your heads shake for me
My cheeks enchanted with laughter in the tale
Of your ignorance.
For now, I decide your fate
Of your dreams I now have a tale
Your voices,I a carrier
The ancestors seat now my dwelling.

Balogun David Tolulope
(Drunk poet)
May 2017 · 421
Drunk poet May 2017
Let me have a bite
Beside the shaped ancient teeth
From the mythic kola
Where only wisdom dwells.
Let me have a smoke
From the ancient pipe
Pulled out from aged toothless mouth
That smells our untainted heritage.
Let me have a sip
From the curved horns and cultured Calabash
Filled up with ale and undiluted palm wine
To intoxicate me with our heritage.
Let me have  a seat
Amongst the white beard heads
To play the "local game" with stones
So that I may be taught the bounds in my thoughts from
From aged bloods that flows like euphrates into the garden of our motherland.
Let us have some music
Sang with dry lips that echoes from soundless cave
Infuriated with flutes, gongs and talking drums
That we may dance-off our ignorance
To see the chain left by our ancestors to be drawn.

Balogun David Tolulope
Drunk  Poet
© 2017
Apr 2017 · 498
Blah blah blah
Drunk poet Apr 2017
They said my grandfather had seven wives,
So came the story of their predated lives,
Their troubles and pains led to his ornamental hunch back,
Resulting to his death from an heart attack,
... Blah blah blah.
They called my father an oaf,
Poor him! He couldn't afford a loaf,
His destiny was surrounded by black birds our village,
He only hoped and hoped till his black bears became grey across his age.
He barely paid half of my mother's dowry,
And hardly had himself to father me,
... Blah blah blah
But this time I chose my path,
I drew my line,
I followed my mind,
To a radiant, like Venus raising from a foam-flecked sea.
With you I want to see years go by,
To you I will sing sweet lullaby,
Only you I would love or go blind
... Blah blah blah.
Balogun David
(drunk poet)
© 2017
It was great writing on this title.
Apr 2017 · 777
An echo from the forest
Drunk poet Apr 2017
I lost myself in the tale of adventure,
In the voyage of time that was passed from our forefathers,
Driven and tossed by the wind of civilization.
I felt the rain dripping from the eyes of our ancestors,
Drenching our farms, roofs and even children playhouses,
To open our myopic eyes to the luxury of time we seem to lack.
I heard it! Loud but unclear,
Great words like whispers, whispers like murmurs,
Coming right from the assembly of trees,
The warning of our ancestors,
Echoing from the forest of the unseen,
Setting back our feet from the animalization we call civilization.

Balogun David   (Drunk poet)
© 2017
Apr 2017 · 652
The sick healer
Drunk poet Apr 2017
My soul aches,
Like a brain suffering from tumor.
My soul breaks,
Like that of a new day,
Telegraphing my tears  along with dolor,
Sormoning the beams of the sun each day.
So I sought this healer amongst waters,
Where birds sings and monkeys dance
Along the boulevards of blindness,
In a great hall of fame and great matters.
And herds converged, minds convened
Only with the Polaroids of sightlessness.
Like a drunkard she prays,
Welcome! Welcome! she says,
To an abode of hypocrisy, jealousy, blasphemy and misery.
The therapeutic healer, healing in agony,
Dealing in the paradise of nightmares.
With me  your fears shall fall like that of a lost boy's tears
And your pain meet the sweetening balm of my embrace.
She would make a good gift in heaven,
But even a better bribe in hell.

Balogun David {drunk poet}
Drunk Poets Society
© 2017
For a friend of mine..... Tony
Mar 2017 · 653
To the author by the Coast
Drunk poet Mar 2017
Books I have come across,
Pages of old scribbles and thoughts
Old ones, both Legends and myths
I have seen heroes on the cross
Even events that are far gross!
But they seems to have lost their wits
Books of treasure I have found,
Where heroes and great ones won
Stories of time I have kept
Deeply rooted in my inquisitive chest
Books of fantasies I have explored,
The magical exuberance my bewildered
Mind unable to fathom
The fairy puzzles that old ones would not speak of!
Books, as they unfolds
From the stream of unseen
The scribbler and originator of mindset
Painter of destiny!
The author that lives by the Coast.

Balogun David (drunk poet)
© 2017
Big thanks to Benjamin Alaba
Mar 2017 · 421
To a lover downtown
Drunk poet Mar 2017
The memories of the shooting
Clinged to the wall of our souls
Putting out the old wounds and scars.
As we watched the sun set, embracing the soft air at twilight
Enjoying the tales of when we first met.
Pointing at the beautiful stars at night.
As we hoped for dreams to come chase us
After we've shuffled off this mortar veneer
Dearie, I see the dawn of pellucide in your eyes
The shining of pearls on your skin I remember.
Be well! My adeiu isn't forever
Maybe if am lucky I will end up
In your arms

drunk poet (David balogun)
Mar 2017 · 387
Such a shame
Drunk poet Mar 2017
There was a man blown in by the east wind
He was never late for a feast
His liquor always at his heartbeat
He walks clumsily like the wizard of the West
His clothes filled with holes in their
He sought comfort but hunger precedes him
His hope is charmed with the light Of the sun
He dreamt  of chasing the sky into the ocean
He has no friend to lean on
Alas! He would put a smile on
But his soul chirps like a cricket
A complete waste his life has been like water in a basket!
So he died! Who is to be blame?
Oh! It's such a shame!
Only that his laziness was too phat and lame
Jan 2017 · 837
Climbing the hill
Drunk poet Jan 2017
Life is a struggle
A place where no one goes without a cut
This I wonder looking up to the hill before me
The hill of age!
Could this be a disease ?
As each strand of my dark hair refashioning into grey
Could this be an aliment?
My dimples renovating to wrinkles
My skin losing his smoothness
Could this be amnesia?
My brain on strike?
My memories are fading like sunshine at twilight
Climbing the hill age
Full of struggles like a
Tapper climbing a palm tree
Climbing the hill
To join the ancestors
Climbing the hill to
Begin the journey to the another phase!
Jan 2017 · 373
feast by the graveyard
Drunk poet Jan 2017
My hands are heavy
Heavy with aspirations of this world
Like a lady with ample ambition
Beneath thee my body lies
Above thee my soul rise
Air full with elegy
Like smokes beneath mother's ***
As I journey up to the ancestors
To join the prepared feast
Drinking ale with them from curved horns
They would bask in the tales of my triumph
A hero is gone!!
So I would smile through the gates of Valhalla!!!
Jan 2017 · 474
Drunk poet Jan 2017

The ominous wind

That blows from the north

Collector of women's wrapper

Exposing their dangling breast

To tears



The mythic Eagle

That hovers in the sky

Abnegator of mother's cries

Scaring off children like “ojuju”

In the dark



The shadowed beast

Giver of tears

Lurking in the dark

Laying ambush for innocent souls



A blessing to the old

A cause to the young

Messager of light

Servant of the dark

He hunts at night!

Feasts by the day
Dec 2016 · 644
Time Triangle
Drunk poet Dec 2016
Time triangle
The pyramidial form bewilders me
It's main focus set in my blury eyes
The triton of fate on which
The  destiny of my feeble soul lies
Of what answers to my poor
Soul seems to seek
When will my soul disappear?
Like the smoke from an old man's pipe
Vanishing into the clouds like it never existed
When will I pass from this physical life?
To embark on the  journey to the pillars of the  the world
My soul trembles because he know not bout his departure!
How will my soul evanescence?
Like stars fading away to avoid the day
Leaving no traces on the skylines
My soul troubles because he know not about his departure!
Where will I die?
Bidding farewell to this world!
Like young bride saying goodbye to
His fathers house
My soul grief for he know not about
His exit!

Balogun David
Dec 2016 · 471
A bite after satisfaction
Drunk poet Dec 2016
The man I met on my journey
Around the the world
His Shadow at every corner
A voracious being, dexterous with his teeth
His ears only obey the demand of his belly
Mouth litterd with unchewed crumbs
From previous meals
A sluggard gait he had
Plumpy and grumpy
Each meal jumping in ready anticipation
A heavy-handed aspiration for his unsatisfied hole
"I won't choke"  He stereotyped
I must have it all! I will have it all
Man and his vain aspiration
Only for the profit of the mouth
Dec 2016 · 300
Drunk poet Dec 2016
The mythic spirit
Lurking behind every unconscious soul
The dangerous confussionist
Giving various attributes to geniue personalities
The numinous spirit
Darkest shape of every man's glory
Handler of the two edged sword
That pierces into the light
The enigmatic spirit
Collector of the mischievous souls
Greatest villain and lover of light
Killer of dreams and visions
The arcane spirit
The faceless being
Prince of deception
That gives us nothing but a vague life
The cryptic spirit
Clothed with darkness
Brought to light by its brightness
Master of one's darkest self
The beast in all spirits
my muted companion
My secret tormentor
My faceless self
Dec 2016 · 284
Six feet above
Drunk poet Dec 2016
The man died
His ever breathless soul put to rest
His woes anguish striving existence
The crowd came to say him sorry
Who is he?
A pitiable embodiment of aspiration
Thirst unending for fulfillment
A Thought that rolled mountains
But shifted not mere stones
Who is to blame?
His gluttonic desire?
Or his unending attractions?
The over zealous mind never left him
Like a snail that leaves not its' shell
As he chased the treasures hidden in the shadows
Where then lies his hope?
The cruelty of the ropes tied his fate
He was hunted by the shadows
Bade farewell to the grave where he
Would find comfort
I gaze down from six feet above him and screamed
What a pathetic man !
For #glamour
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