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In the end the poet come to know that they only love his poem.... not him
The first fruit of the spirit is love,
the second is joy, the next one, peace;
these are the building blocks of God,
without them, they will all cease.
The fourth is goodness, then gentleness,
and faithfulness then follows;
these are His attributes,
without them, faith rings hollow.
Kindness and long-suffering,
come afterward, to keep us strong;
and the final one is self-control,
to stop the urge to do some wrong.
All fruits of the Spirit, rightly so,
laws to keep us on the Way;
along with daily contact with the Lord,
as we bow our heads to humbly pray.
To meditate on, to fast and study,
to savor truth of God's great Word;
to listen to the song unknown to others,
the melody no one else has ever heard.
I think I've figured out love,
It's two parts compromise,
And a whole lot of trust,
Also the occasional surprise;

It's his favourite toys,
And her in pretty clothes;

It's his time with the boys,
And her me time at the spa,
After a session with the girls;

It's his willingness to listen,
Even when she's not making sense,
And him not using it against her because he can;

It's her openness with him,
How she's not shy to bare all,
Skin and soul;

It's his utmost respect,
Not taking advantage or asking for more,
When she's given everything she's got;

I think I've figured out love,
It's shared dreams and having each other's back,
Telling her not to move,
Because he might just lose track.

We never went on dates like other couples

We lit fires

I remember seeing the sparks catch hold and ignite whatever poor object was our target but no flame was as bright as your smile,
your face flushed with the heat of the inferno and the pure joy of arson

I remember the times we almost got caught by the cops but we were fast, faster than them

In those moments we were the fastest things that ever were

We would sit on my roof and try and catch our breath and we'd laugh loud and free, full to the brim with the exhilaration of a child meeting a puppy

You were fire itself, dangerous and bringer of disaster

I was a thrill ******, always on the edge of death, both feet dangling over the void, hanging on by my fingertips

You burned everyone and everything you brought close to you

I basked in the heat that was your being

You were happiest when you had a trail of ashes behind you

I was happiest when I was by your side

Maybe that's why even to this day I have an intense passion for flames
If you faced it, what's left to fear?

the searing sound of harmony
seeping through madness in trembling tears
ringing false scents of roses
like men ****** to breathing jaded air
and everything that's been has crowded thoughts
of plagued mindsets beset to foreign dances
I see I, and all that I've been..

I see I, dancing
through blackened flames
I see I and I've seen you..

And now that I've seen you..
what is there left to fear?

Gorgeous rhythms and soothing shadows
haunt words yet to be said through the
pale light of a thousand years

I've never been all that I could dream
Now everything I can say is as a boat
lost at sea, sailing into darkness
never to be seen
to never have been conceived
in this world that's nothing more
than a hallow sleepy dream.
Love, Lovesick, cowardice, inexperience, love-lost, lost love, depression, sad
But I saw her, in that very fast city I moved to,I saw her in its streets, I kept walking & walking,
walking right behind her, tracing her shadow, cause I thought it was her! it's the same way she laughs, the same way she smiles, the same way she fixes her hair. I walk right behind her wishing it's not just a shadow..

I was waiting for this vision for years, so I couldn't help but chase her for hours, I wanted to tell her everything, the words I couldn't say.

I kept walking & walking, gasping her smell until she faded, she went off my vision, I was so afraid she might look back, cause I was so sure it wasn't her and I was scared I wouldn't be given this chance again.  it was a mirage, a beautiful mirage.
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