It's a never ending war oscillating between affliction and bliss. Traversing the museum of all the things ever loved. Nursing the intensity of the wretchedness. Holding on to the misery like a secret unable to be freed from your lips. Woven into the fiber of your being. While stretching and shaping the brains neuroplasticity by taking 2 steps forward, 5 steps back Only to find yourself unable to find the apricity during the coldest days. Worn out Tired and as you give up, just before you close your eyes a light gives you every reason to accept the bliss while leaving behind the affliction.
~ I could resist I could! Oh surely I swear I could.
I need no anesthesia No Anesthesia or numbness Darling~ Please
Come over me! My Dr. Sweet Anggie please I implore you! Take your razor-edged scalpel Only you! Make a safe incision.
With your soft warm hand Wrench my heart away from me! Detach my pumper & leave me whole. Undo my pumper with my brain So I may cease this non-physical war!
Let the blood flow torrentially & free, Like lunatic waters in breaking dams & rivers. I care not! I want it nevermore.
There is something in the early morning air that fills my lungs with a familiar loneliness as the dull pain behind my eyes makes the stars look like tiny tears as the moon shakes the nightmares from its restless mind I close the book on yesterday I wrestle with this pen and paper as the background radio preachers love and forgiveness there is a moment when the eyes close and the mind opens up there is a moment when I see her smile I almost feel her embrace within a second she is gone … Clay.M