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we all make mistakes that we can never change
no way of going back no way to rearrange.

we cant make it better no matter what we do
the past is in the past mistakes we made a few.

what is done is  done we cant take it back
put them all behind and get life back on track.

take it day by day start again a new
leave mistakes behind is all that you can do.
promise a floss
on a pelican token
emptiness pass day
 Nov 2020 Dante Rocío
Jon Tobias
I am sorry for ruining all vaginas for you
I hope you can recover eventually
She said

I hate to burst your **** bubble
But I’ve slid some lies between your thighs
When howling at your moon wasn’t so much praise
As it was longing for a change of ***** scenery

People change?

How I feel right now
is like when one time I was sick
And my parents recorded a show I watched
so I could watch it later
And at the end of the show
there was a number for a contest to go to space camp

I called that number
It was disconnected
I always find out the important stuff
A little late

I cried that day

I just wanted to go to space camp

And I just wanted someone to love me like a black hole
A warm black hole to put all my love into
**** me in and fix me like there’s no turning back
I mean in the darkness of space
They all look the same
All yank at you turbulent and fiery head rush passion

I mean we all love the same

So I am sorry I overshot your Venus
To crash land in Uranus
A semi-purposeful curious passion

You coulda yelled ****
We felt like ****
When we walked away

Parts of me have always been missing
And I tried to fill the gaps with you
Problem is when you might be gay and are fighting it
Your closet is a ******

Not your fault your beard looked funny on my ****
You can’t wear a person like an accessory
I can’t slap her like masculinity till I feel straight again
Some things aren’t right
I’m not right
And you are so messed up now
Because you have this superpower to turn men gay

You can’t turn men gay
You can only remind them of the pain that lies
In lying to themselves when they know
None of this feels right

None of it will

Dear former lover
Former black hole body
Former holder of my confusion
And filler of my empty spots

I ****** up by ******* you

I ****** up
First 2 lines donated by Erica Davids. 4th line donated by Dylan Bradley. Taking a break from an essay about Blake and Shelley to write this. Two more days and I am done with school and can come back to HP more often. Also I am fully away of the vulgarity of this poem and you are welcome to unfan me. Thank you.
Haiku wheel rim spoke
                   we'll rendezvous at the hub
to find our bearings


There is a Haiku wheel at the
Oliver Cornet Gallery in Dublin.
 Nov 2020 Dante Rocío
The interpretation
Is determined
By the viewer

Steady your brush strokes
Choose your colours carefully
Groom the melody
Allow the bridge to connect us

The walls of paradise
Are but a creators prison
Snakes slither within
That which was meant
To keep evil out

The cosmos are but a picture
In our minds limited eye
We see from within
We believe our lies
As our projections
Traveler Tim
We need to build a bridge
Across this great divide
It's time now to forgive
And forget this foolish pride.

A simple word of anger
Can be like a sinking ship
Let's bail out that anchor
We need to get a grip.

Now it's time to do our best
And try and make amends
Forget about those past regrets
Families should all be friends.

Just one thing we failed to see
We had those happy days
And happiness it still would be
If rage didn't step in the way.

So that is all that can be said
Let's make the matter shine
Beneath the bridge is ruby red
And the water is our bloodline.
Families often fall out over silly things
But it seems make things right on a later time.
That's what its like with the Bloodline.
I say:
Do you want me to pretend you do not exist?

She says:
Do as you wish.

I perceive:
All I was once you moved onto the next,
A waste of breath.

What a mutual perception process,

You keep on running and now I have nothing but my beliefs.

And what do you have?
Your cup is empty

It would be full but...
You poke holes in all the words I speak
The art of assuming the worst

Created 5.21.18
I remember as a child a trip
  to the zoo. Accountants count,
  janitors sweep, hucksters steal
  wealth, priests save lost souls,
  prostitutes sell easy love by the
  hour and pimps take a percentage,
  preachers sell heaven by the ounce
  and the IRS always gets its pound
  of flesh, politicians take bribes
  and shred the constitution smiling.
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