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 Nov 2020 Dante Rocío
I am not a cog in this machine
As it rolls on mightily

I wield creative deformity
Navigating aimlessly

My passion refined
Primitively divine

My anger rips through my fears
With claws of resentment

My love for life
An immortal hunger

And I’m not getting any younger!
Traveler Tim
poets share their hearts and souls with all-

underappreciated ;

they try
swimming up from
the anchor
that ties them
to the ocean floor
just to break
the water's surface
and to

B r e a t h e.

but most sit by
on the shore
and watch



'Yours and everyone's concrete poet'
 Nov 2020 Dante Rocío
Aye ‘twas it today or yesternight?
The youthful seventy-year old clapped

His grandson, four,
Old and weary
Looked towards him and muttered
“There he goes again”

Charades, trampolines and bedecked jewels
His gramps ferried out in fashion
For tomorrow was yesterday
And right was left
And up was down

Explaining why he had to walk up a stairs
And not down
Was pathetic!
And his four long years
Felt like a millennia

And out he ran chasing after a puppy
He’d left inside.
 Nov 2020 Dante Rocío
 Nov 2020 Dante Rocío
goodbye will outstay hello
and memory will make up what cannot be remembered
where there are no blanks, only darkened rooms.
Darkness grins on the horizon
it looms and drags and coughs
I shudder and shutter my windows,
I board and splinter and nail and bruise and seal
and lock.
It's not quiet inside,
it storms in here too
it's acid rain,
it's sandstorm and blizzard
I'm igloo,
I'm fire,
I'm puddle
you echo and echo and echo
Won't you leave?
Why didn't you stay?
you echo and echo and echo
I scream and spill and slam and still -
in sudden silence
darkness seeps through
the gaps in the walls, then my pores
it's here, it's me
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine
you're gone and
so am I.
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