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 Dec 2020 Dante Rocío
Cobblestone streets,
a lunar lighthouse,
and a night on North Beach.
Alcohol and arcades,
oak trees and foggy days.
So many ways
I'm finding beauty more and more
as it contrasts the violence
of the world
and the war
waged inside.
Balance is being restored in me. Im floating down stream.
A contract whereby you pay all your poor life to die rich for others.
the clock
is ticking
and i
still wear
this jacket
from school

in the season of otherness

the girls have already grown up
behind us traces in the snow
i come out of it all the time

The character assassinated
Fallen prey to a grapevine
Forgot to verify the roots
The treatment so brute
Trying to inject poison into the sacred vine
The venom, had traces of malice
Righteously soon was found an antidote
Fulfilled and restored the sacred vine
 Dec 2020 Dante Rocío
Put my ghost to bed already.
It's half past two
and we
are neither of us, young.
My ex stopped by the other day, and my not being near by for once kind of paid off. Because her visit seemed all too inclusive for me. Almost rude to her CURRENT to even mention our PAST. Like, really? Five years of silence and then suddenly a vocal hello? RIP ancient memory, I put you out of my buried mind about five years ago. Why didn't you do the same?

So yea, that was Monday hahaha.
A place void of shape.
Exists within my mind's eye.
Past words; only faith.
Life is mostly a gap between expectation and reality and our constant efforts to try and bridge this gap...these two meet once in a while but mostly they tend not to see eye to eye.
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