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Don't use their wings
When waves roll in on the strand:
They beat their retreat
On quick, little feet
Back across the
We're at the shore
It was fall when I fell for you
Gazing at hillsides of varied hue,
Red-headed girls in saffron dresses
Coming to give me hugs and kisses,
Moving in droves from outcrops and ridges
Crossing the valleys and brooks without bridges.

You of all were most fair,
Your hair
Piled like clouds at sunrise,
Passion and excitement fierce
Burnt in your gray-blue eyes,
Particles of light aglow
Surrounded you in a mist
That totally enveloped me
Every time we kissed.

Now, you tease me like a breeze
And hear what I don't say
I throw my troubles in your fire:
They're gone
And joy remains.
Fall is the most beautiful season of the year.
 Sep 2017 Danielle Free
Raquel E
discarded books in a box
pages that hold notes
and a foot of loss
phone numbers
pressed flowers
outdated to dos
stiffened by the heat
and the rent increase
words of wrecked wounds
smashed drunkenly with no
id and no dna yellow pages of
a frightened fugitive on a freight
A man of the cloth wearing silk!
the milk of human kindness turned sour!
now is the hour as Shakespeare once wrote
whom would you vote for
and why?

I am ready
and ready to die
lived twice before
died twice as well
and why?

back off with the guns
the burn out
your sons
from their guilt.

If it's a play that we're in
and I'm not sure
that we're not
who wrote the script and
who's playing what?

I prevaricate
because I like that word
the letters are awkward,
like me or
haven't you heard?

Yachts in Yosemite that's me
 Sep 2017 Danielle Free
dear depression,
you were the girl next door,
everything i was curious and scared of
and when you struck me,
it was more shocking than if you came up behind
me and kissed me on the lips

dear depression,
you were my best friend
for so long, my only friend
and when i was going to sleep
you talked to me,
told me i wasn't good enough
but your voice
was better than no voice

dear depression,
you pushed me to the edge
and i nearly tumbled off
but at the end of the day
i am still breathing

dear depression,
you pushed me over,
and i fell
but as i fell,
you whispered in my ear
"Get over it"  . . .  Its not that easy
"Move on"  . . .  I've tried
"Let it go" . . . It is apart of me
"If it was me I would be happy"  . . . Impossible with my thoughts
"Think positive"  . . . I try everyday
"The past does not define you"  . . . It haunts me
"If you just think differently"  . . . If only my mind allows me to
Enlightening words from a friend who has never know depression
Whose mind is right
A friend who has no sickness holding them back from life
Something sane people do not fathom
Those who do simply do not "get over it"
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