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Jay Jul 2019
Droppin' on in,
It's been a minute since we've talked,
Your hair has grown,
Your face has faded,
It used to be brighter
If memory serves.
Have you been well?
New job? New love?
Only if you don't mind.
Have you heard that new song?
Have you seen that movie?
How's that startup idea gone?
Where has all the time gone?
We should talk again sometime.
Or not,
Whichever you prefer.
hello frens
Jay Jul 2019
Drummed up another one,
Can't see from up above,
Guess what I have become?

Come and have fun with me,
Be what you wanna be,
Tell all that you can see.

Day's goin' by again,
This cannot be the end,
Can I please be a friend?

Grown up and past the sun,
Life has just now begun,
You've been my darling one.

Love showers over me,
Come forth and let's be free,
This is how it ought to be.

Time has stopped.
pause? what? huh?
Jay Jul 2019
I wanna go to bed with you,
Nothin’ ***** I just wanna sleep next to you
I wanna wake up early at the crack of dawn
After sleepin’ pretty soundly all night long.
A lil jingle or part of a song that's p sweet
Jay Jul 2019
Thrown in a mortar again,
And grounded down,
Into the purest form I've ever been,
My shell is but a thing of the past,
But give it time,
I'll build it all back up,
And while some have seen the worst of me,
They'll see what I think I'd ought to be,
An idealized construct,
Be it paper or glass,
Or the sugar on a creme brulee,
You crack the sweet,
And you get to the cream at last.
Depending on your tastes,
You may like what you get,
But it isn't likely,
It's best you just forgive,
And forget.
sweet on the outside with a creamy gooey stupid center
Jay Jul 2019
Drive down to the coast,
Meet me on the shore,
I'll take your hand,
I'll show you where the waves collide,
Crash together,
Be together,
Getting closer and closer all the time.
wavy gravy so **** tasty
Jay Jul 2019
A record scratched and scathed,
Why don't you ever behave?
It's not that you don't want to,
It's only cause’ I asked you.

Like a father to his child,
You never cease to be wild,
And I'm left to pick up your mess,
What's this feeling in my chest?

I never signed up for this,
But you took me aback,
With a hug and a kiss,
Twas a lovely attack,

And when the day was done,
I found myself in your arms,
Left to think that you had won,
Me over due to your charms.

Yet over time you've proved,
That you can't keep up the pace,
At first I thought we'd groove,
But then you spat in my face.

And even though I forgave you,
It just happened again,
And again,
And again,
And again,
And again,

Why is it hard to let go of,
What clearly doesn't work?
It doesn't mean that I don't love you,
But this ain't just one quirk,

We can't continue like this,
It's as plain as can be,
Let's not part with a kiss,
And just drift out to sea.

I truly wish you the best,
And hope your feelings will heal,
Now I'll give it a rest,
Just keepin’ it real.
guys its a break up
Jay Jul 2019
On my addiction ****,
I need to pop a cig,
I think that I should vape instead,
But the nic and vibe is all the same.
Why do I keep comin’ back?
I know exactly why, but why can't I just,
Y'know, stop?
Why am I wired to do what gives me that exhale,
Knowing full and well my breathing is gonna be shot?
One a day, two a day, five, a pack.
The number is rising but I still cough up cash so I can cough up my stress.
People have outlets right?
Running, working out, drawing, even writing.
Is this one of those things?
Some people are better off just not venting at all yeah?
Facing their problems head on?
****, there I go again.
How's a patch on my arm supposed to keep a cig out of my hand?
It's a great way to put a physical expression into how I'm feeling.
The smell and the taste puts into perspective the ****** feeling I have on the inside
It feels good initially.
It helps with the anxiety.
At least it's legal, unlike ****.
I'll just wean myself off.
Little by little,
Day by day,
One smoke at a time.
A solid chunk of this is excuses my friends use for why they smoke. I used to be a shill for **** sure, but I've always loathed cigarettes and cigars.
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