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I am the immobile immortal
I pervade the Earth with my emptiness
People search for happiness only to find me
People gaze to the skies for love but only see my indifferent eyes
I show them futility
I show them despair
When it becomes too much people seek me to rescind their pain
But it's only rearranged
It fills the eyes of those that love with silver linings
Humans see stars die in the sky and are filled with wonder and awe
Yet here on Earth death fills hearts with misery and contempt
I inspected a graveyard to admire my work
Time had eroded the epitaphs on the tombstones
Their last beautiful words faded like their final threads of love
Except for one grave...
It read, "I Will Always Love You"
But somebody had crossed that out and wrote
Only Death is Immortal
You make me feel so stupid
When we play chess
The way you en passant all nonchalant
You chase me into castle
From there I watch you intently
The way the Russians watched Bobby Fischer
In his hotel room
But while I wait for a move to develop
I become the Boredest Spazsky
My mind in a stalemate
As I try to crush your Sicilian defenses
As much as I harangue
You leave me in zugzwang
Which confuses my feeble mind
For I may be a pawn
But I'm the king pawn
Which means the board usually revolves around me
But your queen takes that instantly
And I'm left in a fool's checkmate

I wish you could see things from my side of the board
You'd see how desperately I wanted the king
All the complex and unique obstacles in the way
But instead you just sit there
And laugh at me losing all my pieces trying to reach you
A creeper once was planted,
On a cold North-facing wall,
The gardener wanted her to spread,
To cover the bricks and all.

In the weeks that followed,
She strove her best to grow,
But the sun was so unkindly
And the frost so cruel so.

Alas, one day a child at play
Broke off her slender stem.
'It's no use' she cried
'I'll never grow again.'

But she was so courageous,
A brave, hidden spirit she found
And started sending up new shoots,
Directly from the ground.

One day she got her just rewards,
For all her courage and strife,
The gardener came and transplanted her,
To start a brand-new life.

Now on a warm, South-facing wall,
Where the sun kissed her all day
And the gentle breeze caressed her,
She grew and grew away.

She grew so strong and beautiful
And when the tale is told.
Her crown of joy was autumn,
With her leaves tinged red and gold.

Keith Wilson . Windermere  UK  2017.
Breathe out the bad stuff
The fear anxiety depression
And all the nasty evil thoughts
Breathe in the good stuff
Wisdom and light
From a clear clear sky
No clouds
And inner peace and calm will come
Just as a bubble bursts
All the nasty stuff
will disappear
That is my biggest weapon, I am completely outrageously, beautifully, terrifyingly mad.

How did I get here? I have un buttoned my chest and unfolded my lungs presenting them to you. Hoping maybe you would help me breathe easy. I’m so tired of having to fight all the time, for the things I want, and the things I don’t want. I’m so tired, sometime I cry when I wake up.

How could anyone ever love something as easy as me? Yes, I suppose I am easy, I believe everything I am told with hopeful eyes, I see everything covered in gold and hold anything as a treasure. I do not know if that makes me wealthier or not.

I wish I knew what making love felt like,
if anyone knows that at all. I keep dreaming that I see him again.
But in my dream when I held him we merged into one being,
and I wept or he wept but I left him there because I wanted something new,
Something that didn’t feel so beautifully harmful. But would you listen to me I'm lying.

I do not want simplicity,
I have never wanted simplicity ,
I will never be simplicity
please, please, please fall in love with me.
There will always be more to see, things to find and uncover and I will make you eternal, turn you into ink and paper, make your existence tangible. You believe you know the meaning of life for there is none, but I disagree. The only meaning is to take something incomplete and turn it into something worth its content.

I am humiliated, my insides flooding out of me,
melting from my inside out. Just like the night light I had on my bed side ad a child,
the one that started melting night after night with my parent’s fight after fight. I did not want to sleep anymore,
if I didn’t sleep it didn’t melt and we would never have left.
I do not sleep.
please do not humiliate me.

Do not sow my chest to your feet and drag me into you our bed sheet where you unbutton your chest and lay within someone else’s. Be careful, I am easy.
Easy enough to love anything but easy enough to destroy anything too. That is my biggest weapon, I am completely, outrageously, beautifully, terrifyingly mad.
mad mad mad mad mad and loving.
That is my biggest weapon, I am completely outrageously, beautifully, terrifyingly mad.
the love i never really wanted
one day, your wings will carry you
far, far away from me, and i,
i will remain rooted to the rock
while you glide among the stars.
but that day is not today
so stay with me
and i will teach you to fly on land.
Inspired by Windhaven.
in the garden of my heart
God planted a mustard seed
gave me the gloves
& departed

i gave the mustard seed
love & devotion
& for a while
rooted myself in
God’s ground

and then the roots spread
some into the soil
& some into the gravel
& in the gravel i found
most of my sustenance

the devil had found his way
into my garden
& his ashes spread over the fertile ground
suffocating & sterilizing

the roots in the soil of God
found no water & withered
until they crumbled like dust
a ghost of ancient veins

& for a while i found my happiness
the devil can make rotten fruit
taste like the sweetest honey
so long as you smile
for him

until one day
the devil grew tired of my smiles
& he found doubt in my heart
his fruit was not so sweet now

my roots withered & burned & putrefied
even in the gravel that had once been my home
i was a mustard seed
small & scared & alone

i found my love & devotion
and was careful to sow only in the soil,
though only on the edges
for surely God could not forgive
i had eaten the forbidden fruit

until one day
God beckoned me further from the edges
He gave me love & devotion
just as i had given my mustard seed

under His love i grew
and spread my roots firmly in the soil
and there i was no longer a mustard seed
but a lily blossom
Surely, the first in a series.
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