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Brie Williams Feb 2020
You tear my heart in two
I tear yours too
Brie Williams Mar 2020
Drinking after you
My favorite
So yummy
I like to lick
The spit
from your tongue
And the ***
From deep inside you
Where I want to be
So yummy
I think I'll make this one my own
Let it be who it wants
Let it roam where it goes
Say yes more than no
The door open more than closed
Brie Williams Dec 2024
As I age
I do not see
excitement in front of me
I see a place
where I play a role
and try to make the most
for the ones I owe the role
I do not see
anything more I will try to be
Falling into complacency
happened slowly but here I am
Brie Williams Aug 2020
We pass around orajel and visine
Manzanas y tangerines
We marvel at red white and green
Hugs are kisses and kisses should be seen
Turning around cookies
so thin
A revolucíon of what could have been
Of girls saying don’t look
And boys saying read books
And the result is being booked and taken back to the truck
Brie Williams Jan 2024
When the sun sets
And the curtains are closed
When the table is set
And expressions froze
I think of you
And your absence
You and your careless attitude
What more can I do
**** **** **** and lose the only leverage I have over you
Ignore you and watch you not notice
Regretting leaving myself open
With each minute is a jab
With each jab, a stab
And the blood looks a lot like tears
Brie Williams Dec 2024
Mix and Match
Toss and Throw
I should've skipped the interview
and talked with you
and listened too
until my times was done and through
Brie Williams Jan 2024
In love again
I don’t even know if you’re being honest
In love again
And you seem a little withdrawn
And then you seem a little too enthralled
I can’t anyway
I have to remind myself
But the attention feels nice after life on a shelf
In love again
Or lust
Can’t trust
My emotions
In love again I think because my heart skips beats
when you’re next to me
and my name sounds like a kiss from your lips
Even though your hands seem sort of odd
Every though you’re hair doesn’t fall where it ought
A stretch
A stretch
A stretch
I hope Im not in love again
Especially with you
Brie Williams Sep 2019
no you see it was totally not like that
you see you see you see
white girl answers clean and clear and crisp and full of syllables
Who is it you like?
i cant say
but you can tell me
ok but if i tell you you cant say
I won't say
you see you see you see
its this one girl
it's not me?
well like you see you see you see
Brie Williams Apr 2021
I have my own dance
No one can compete with
Not once
It’s a style of its own
A clap and a stomp and a twirl
So many twirls
Makes you want to clap along
Makes your heart beat in rhythm
Watch me dance a dance you’ll never dance
Watch me bleed from my toes and knees and heart
The drip drip drip keeps rhythm better than that heart
And I hope you watch with the same envy that caused me to be lonely
I hope you wear the same evil eye badge that I wear on the soles of my shoes
Stomping and clapping and twirling
Brie Williams Mar 2020
Bait and switch
I guess I was
A disappointment dressed in clothes
A twist of the knife deep inside
My legs spread
On your desk
A **** for sure
You’re impressed
A thong too much for your catholic veins
Throbbing but not enough
Chains on my ankles
Bleach in my hair
You don’t love me now
But all is fair
Brie Williams Mar 2020
I keep forgetting your name
I remember it when you ask
I’m good at hiding my shame
It helps reliving my past

Water fountain
Electric pulse
Wichita mountain

Rubber snakes
Glasses hid
Heart breaks
Baby slid
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Like the door I can't shut
Like the call I can't take
Like the money he pays
Like the way he talks
Like his stare
Like the kiss I can't stop
Brie Williams Nov 2019
I feel you on high
I see you in tides
I want you forever
You kindly decline
I need you right here
You don't seem to care
I helped you to climb
The cliff helped me slide
I still think of you
Each day that we're through
You don't seem to know
Where all that I go
I need you so
All I want
You're all my thoughts
You're all I am
Brie Williams Apr 2023
She doesn’t know that she is the best parts
She doesn’t know what perfect means
A heart of gold and a red temper
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Have a little dignity
Or weep a little song
Of failure
As I sink into morbidity
Inject me full of hope
While I find a **** to ****
I could be mute
As long as I let you in my thighs
Brie Williams May 2024
Creepy crawly
Seashell lover
Beads around a wrist no longer
Bones that crunch and hair that twists
Six feet under a sordid mix
A sun that shines on quiet days
Morning brings a foggy haze
And you don’t come out on Sundays
and can you feel the quiet
And can you smell the earth
And do you hear the silence
Do you still feel the hurt?
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Rope bracelets
Si ****
Si quemah cuh
Agua Fresca
My home
Thank you
Through the mountain
In a field
Stands a house
The sun has peeled
Cool inside
Bluish gray
Cucumber, vinegar, and onion day
Stuffed bell peppers
Never stuffed
Waiting on a check
Never any luck
Pawned all the inheritance away
It was only money anyway
Brie Williams Jan 2024
The top
Of my hand
As I sliiide into you
And you collapse onto me
As I bounce into your chest
Your lips starting to embark on my neck
And When I feel the wetness of the wave
I know it’s time to embank
Receding again
The reflection on the sea
Reminding me
we can only be friends
Brie Williams Feb 2020
I just wish
I didn't spin
in circles
I just wish
I wasn't so dumb
Fall into your arms
Spread my legs
I just wish
I didn't get wet
every time I hear your
Brie Williams Nov 2023
In the dark
Ocean at night
Heavy weight
Eye shine
Bouncy wave
Brie Williams Jan 2024
I loved you like a shoe loves a roach
I loved you like dirt loves water and soap
I loved you like gum on my shoe or the bottom of my jeans scraping the pavement
I loved you like a fly loves the cold
Like the youth love getting old
I loved you most went you were gone
Brie Williams Mar 2020
I saw the ball fly over fast
I was brave
A hero at last
And on the stool I stood
Peaking over the wall of wood
When you a dog of 2 feet tall and 42 teeth
Began to call
I jumped down
And slid away
Slithering slitherly as I pray
As not to wake it’s owner
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Beat me
Like it's Christmas Eve
And my bra is showing
Beat me
Because I don't listen
Give me a black eye
for my charm bracelet
Beat me
Twist my hair
Twist my neck
Tell me I'm nothing
Until my bones break
Brie Williams Sep 2019
Tongue Mouth- Swish Swash
Tongue Twister- Tongue in Cheek Smile
Time is Coming Up
Take a Step Back
Here's the Rush
Head Starts to Swirl and Collapse-
Cold Beneath- Sticky Grains of Encompassing Cool Fresh-
Up Again- Heavy Head- Can i Hit Again-
Yes- Always and Free
Sheets so Cold and Hard
Bed so Hard
ceiling stark white
Already In
Always- Just a Friend
Body like Lungs- Detached from my Head
Ice Blue Eyes
And... Over
Time is up
Clarity Waits Outside the Door
Brie Williams Dec 2019
Trying to sleep 16 hours a day
Is hard when your mind is hooked on decay
Walking all day back and forth in a hall
Hurts a little bit when the tile starts to crawl
You can't feel when you're starting to sleep but everytime I do my nose starts to bleed
Wish I was with somebody knew but I can't get you to let go of this noose
Would be nice if I could have the other guy
But I'm at a different place in my life
And he's in a situation just trying to survive
And everytime we talk I have to justify
Why it's all okay and it's not that wrong ok now goodnight
Brie Williams Apr 2024
Bouncing on a lava lake
Stretchy rubber never breaks
Burning burning twisting pain
Acid slimey mucous lake
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Nicotine walls
Tarot cards on your desk
Cigarettes in a row
Whiskey on your breath
You just don't feel love
You're waiting for death
All the hair you cut off
To put in your spells
Is catching up to you
Now that you're in hell
And all the bruises you gave
We're given to you first
By man after man and woman since birth
It's a shame and it's sad
Of what came to be
Egg shells on your floor would break if you'd breathe
And I know it's hard to live in such tension
And the road that leads to hell is paved with good intentions
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Thank you
For always
I'm bipolar
Especially in the middle of fights
Or when I'm hurt
Or when I have a problem
It's the absolute greatest thing to hear
You're just bipolar
Anytime I feel emotional
Because it's an inconvenience and interruption to your constant one man parade
I never bring it up
It's an embarrassment
The only thing I inherited from my dad's side.
I am an heir to the need to constantly ****, forget to eat, and ruin every relationship that comes around.
But there are some good things too
But you don't see those
Because you're marching down the street twirling a baton in front of your herd of elephants
Oh how many times
Have i heard
You say
You cant listen to me
Or focus on me
Because you have
Brie Williams Jan 2024
I get Bored quick
Bored quick
And quicker as I get older
I get sick quick
Sick of small talk and dead ends
Sick of handshake. Smile. Pretend
I can’t stick with it
I can’t stick
I get bored quick
Brie Williams Mar 2020
I’m so
In you
On you
To you
I’m so beneath you
Between you
I can’t say no
Or yes
I just let you
take me in
And up
And down
Underneath you
Brie Williams Jan 2020
What good is pretty when you're trapped in a box
The earth starts shaking and your nails keep growing
They're always watching you twist and throw up
The bed is always white and there's nicotine yellow walls
I used to think about you when I was laying in the floor
I thought that maybe rain would fall and the lock would fall off the door
Brie Williams Mar 2020
Your eyes bright
Twist my side
I have nothing to say to you
I love you too
Brie Williams Mar 2020
The heart I gave to you
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Do you miss it?
You shouldn't
It's hectic
And wrong
It's an all day long
It's a
Don't say anything
Kind of thing
But do you miss it?
Do you miss sneaking out
And coming to me
And me talking to you
You almost ******* on me
Do you remember the way
That I'd stare at you
You're beautiful Alex
**** what they do
You say you don't miss it
But I kind of do
I miss sneaking around and waiting on you
I miss touching your hand and holding your shoe
I miss feeling around
I miss the feeling of new
And I don't know anymore
I don't know what to do
Because I miss it so much
And I'm still missing you
Brie Williams Feb 2020
I see my hand in the sand
Reaching for a bottle to break over your head
Have you ever met a soul so detached and ungrateful
You say I entangle my words tight enough to choke you
If that's true, please choke and swallow
I have bruises all over my soul and they tick and they tock and they manifest when you talk
Ans I'm so tired of saying sorry
I hate this swirl of wash
this mash and slosh
this snow of cold
this crisp and bold
this hair that twirls
and gray with boots
and bright red
and always attention
and smiles with razors mixed in
I hate this
I hate the way I forget to remember
I wont be getting any thinner
that 99.9 isn't 100%
to your dismay it isn't twins
I didn't want your man old dear
but I enjoyed your anxiety when you knew I was near
Brie Williams Mar 2020
Caro doesn’t know
Ale from Alej
Or an oven from a stove
She knows her hair is long
And straight
And she loves to watch it grow
She doesn’t know
Her smile
On everything
Is the best
I’ve ever seen
Brie Williams Dec 2024
And Cabeza De Vaca outlived 600 men
Ate horse for survival
In hurricanes, he swam
But I can't
and I can't
and Cabeza De Vaca
Never commanded respect
he simply lived and did what he did
while he was the last to stand
But I can't
I can't
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Chains on my neck
This isn't what I expected
Fruit at my feet
And I have to pick it
The days that have passed
The hands on the clock
Don't tick for me any longer
Brie Williams Nov 2020
So much change
In my heart
In my day
So happy
With you gone
Is that wrong to say
Brie Williams Jan 2024
Trying to be good all the time
To not shine in your eyes
To stop before I cry
And think for you

Something so much more
My heart won’t be ignored
I can’t believe I stopped and went for you
Brie Williams Jun 2022
I ate a box of cherries
Swallowed them
One by one
Dizzy with envy
I’m finished, we’re done
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Hop scotch
Drip watch
Have you
Called the boss
Have you
Walked along
Along the road
Along the pier
Can you take me far from here
Brie Williams Nov 2017
She said so slowly
As she crumbled
Down the
We stared
At her
No stars
Just noise
Brie Williams May 2021
I can’t dive anymore
Like I once could
Like I should
It feels dry at the core
No heart inside boils like once before
End of the road
I suppose
I was supposed to be
Should have
Could have
Would have
Never to be
Brie Williams Mar 2021
It’s the tip tap of the phone screen scrolling
Heart beats and doesn’t stop growing
Gooey sticky
And you just noticed
Excited at the notion
Of you going round with other girls
And then the drip drop
my hearts frozen
Brie Williams Feb 2020
Everyone but you and me
I'm tugging at my dignity
I play the part so carefully
So you can't control me
I know everyone calls it flirting
But I call it working
And it's working
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