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 Apr 2020 Bobby Dodds
I cannot compose brilliant poems, sonnets, or verses,

and I cannot speak to you in Latin or Greek;

I cannot move you with any language made up by man.

Love is the only only language I could touch you with

If you only knew how much I could love you.

If you knew I love you;

If I were brave enough to tell you at all.
Sometimes she walks through the village in her
little red dress
all absorbed in restraining herself,
and yet, despite herself, she seems to move
according to the rhythm of her life to come.

She runs a bit, hesitates, stops,
half-turns around...
and, all while dreaming, shakes her head
for or against.

Then she dances a few steps
that she invents and forgets,
no doubt finding out that life
moves on too fast.

It's not so much that she steps out
of the small body enclosing her,
but that all she carries in herself
frolics and ferments.

It's this dress that she'll remember
later in a sweet surrender;
when her whole life is full of risks,
the little red dress will always seem right.

Lord: it is time. The summer was immense.
Lay your shadow on the sundials
and let loose the wind in the fields.

Bid the last fruits to be full;
give them another two more southerly days,
press them to ripeness, and chase
the last sweetness into the heavy wine.

Whoever has no house now will not build one
Whoever is alone now will remain so for a long
will stay up, read, write long letters,
and wander the avenues, up and down,
restlessly, while the leaves are blowing.
 Mar 2020 Bobby Dodds
Path Humble
left my phone unlocked
on the taxi’s back seat,
won't be the last time

called it a few times
finally, the driver picked up

he had a fare immediately after mine,
and was now headed way downtown,
and would call later
when fate returned him nearer my office

and so it came to pass,
very shortly thereafter,

we met on the street,
he rolled down  the window
and with the greatest smile of pleasure,
as if he had won the lottery
handed me my phone

I had two $20's to cover any expense he might have incurred,
neatly folded in my hand  
and offered it right up, right away;
but the driver repeatedly pushed my hand away
as I insisted,

"No sir, no no, not necessary!

Allah sent me a fare
that took me soon back close to you, so,
  no loss of time did I suffer,
so your offer is kindly unnecessary!"

to which I replied,

Allah sent you to me
so I could reward you!"

and with an equally, beaming smile I continued,

"our ride and meeting today,
together was pre-ordained it was

Inshallah!" ^

something he could not dispute...
or my knowledge thereof and it’s
proper pronouncement,
his amazement,
to disguise!

  we parted ways
   each believing,
   each receiving,
a heavenly check plus,
each, credited with a mitzvah^^
on our
respective trip logs,
our humanly divine balance sheets,
kept by the
supreme taxi dispatcher
Arabic for ^"God/Allah willing" or "if God/Allah wills," frequently spoken by a Muslim

^^a meritorious or charitable act in the Jewish tradition

NYC taxi cab drivers are suffering economically by the explosion of ride hailing app cars, many unable to pay their bills, earn a living, have committed suicide over the past few months

true story, poetry is there for the taking
 Mar 2020 Bobby Dodds
Ines Rose
You looked so majestic sitting there
Delicate, divine, and bare
Vulnerable but I didn't care
How could I?

You, with your brown eyes and your short brown hair
Resting on a broken chair
Defeated but I didn't care
I had to lie

Over and over and over again to get you
Over and over and over again, I let you down
Over and over and you were over it, you'd even given up your crown

You should have known better when I said that I'd be there for you
You should have known better than to believe when I said that I would help you through
I'll tell you that I'm sorry but by now you should know the truth
Helping someone other than myself is something [that] I just can't do

I saw my chance and I acted fast
Things this pure (you see) they never last
At least they never have in my past
I bled you dry

I didn't want you to leave the shadow I cast
With your love so deep and your heart so vast
You'd be happier in a light you could bask
That's why

Over and over and over again I hurt you
Over and over and over again to keep you down
Over and over and you were over it, you couldn't even reach your crown

You should have known better when I said that I'd be there for you
You should have known better than to believe when I said that I'd be there for you
I'll tell you that I'm sorry but by now you should know the truth
Helping someone other than myself is something [that] I just can't do

I can't be good to you
Poetry that's meant to easily translate into a country song, from the perspective of all the men I've loved before. I came up with this in 15 minutes so don't take it too seriously!
 Mar 2020 Bobby Dodds
Paige Parks
A single thought
Lights the path
Through the trees.

Glancing around,
You begin to

“I’ve been here before.”

You start to run
ever faster,

Looking, looking
You don’t quite yet

What will you do?
You can’t escape
This endless loop.

Not without help-
A guiding hand,
A change of mind.

Get off the path.
End the cycle.

Wander, wander
In the cold dark
Through the trees.

Don’t be afraid.
The light is not
What you need.
 Mar 2020 Bobby Dodds
Paige Parks
The legal drinking age is 21
And yet kids in high school still get drunk
The legal drinking age is 21
And yet kids still drink because it’s “cool” or “fun”
The legal drinking age is 21
And yet thousands of kids still die each year
Every year
People are disabling by enabling
Teens that have lives
Enabling, you give underage people
(People that have lives)
You give them easy access to alcohol
You give them what they want
No matter the consequences
You don’t realize
You don’t realize
Or maybe you do
You don’t just supply alcohol you supply addictions
Disabling, you ruin lives
With every bottle you ruin lives
With every glass you ruin lives
With every sip you ruin lives
With every single drop you ruin a life

You take an unruly girl
And you turn her into an addicted, hungry, craving, empty
You take a sister from her family
You take a daughter from her parents
Not just that you take a life

You know a drink can do this
It’s a ship in a bottle and drinking is diving right over the edge
Drowning your sorrows
You might as well jump because there are rocks ahead
You know the consequences of allowing alcohol access to your life
It’s dominoes tipping and tumbling towards the end
Spending your time with your only friend- a drink
You know that it will ****
That fiery drink boils in your blood
Blazing, bubbling and blistering
Like fire it burns every tie you have in your life
You know it will change lives
And you know that those lives will not change for the better

The legal drinking age is 21
And yet you give kids a way to ruin their lives
The legal drinking age is 21
And yet you defy the laws put in place to better those lives
The legal drinking age is 21

And yet you still spike the punch
I wrote this as a slam poem for my tenth grade creative writing class.
 Mar 2020 Bobby Dodds
Paige Parks
I didn’t ask for this-
This hell.
I never wanted this.
But I do suppose it is my fault.
I fell.
 Mar 2020 Bobby Dodds
I am trying so hard
to not let you
let this
be a toxic relationship.

And that

Should not be my responsibility

I don't want to tug-of-war
over weather I should just
be your girlfriend
or if I should be your mother

You don't need another mother
You have the right to do what you want
when you want
Because you're an adult

But I can not let you
use me
As an excuse
to let yourself go

I can not let you
Let this relationship become toxic

I wish that I could
And I've honestly tried
But for me to just watch you ignore your priorities
in order to spend time with me
or goof off next to me
If I could do that
if I could just let you do that
That would mean I did not love you

Because for me
Love is complete care for the other person
love means I care about your mental health and your sleep schedule and your grades and your work
because love to me means
that every aspect of your health and well-being is my top priority

So as much as I want
to let you worry about yourself in your own time
I can't!

I can't talk to you at 11:30 p.m. when you have an essay due at midnight

I can't sit next to you while we study
if I know
you'll spend that whole time trying to get my attention

I can't let you sleep over
when I watch you play on your phone for the two hours we set aside for studying
and you have a test tomorrow

Because I can't love you
And not care for you...

If what you want
Is a relationship
that will distract you from all of your other priorities
You should be with someone else

You should not date me
I can not give that to you
I can not
And I will not
Be a part of a toxic relationship
Whether it is toxic to me or to you.

The kind of relationship I can have
is one where we help each other get through our day
and get through our tasks
and when the day is over
we can escape with each other
-to each other-
to our own little world
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