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 Oct 2015 Blair
Emily Adams
There is a chance I might write about you
until the day I die
and maybe one day someone will ask
who those pieces are about
and maybe I'll answer
and maybe I'll lie.
 Oct 2015 Blair
Jacob Christopher
I don't claim,
to have an abundance of accurate knowledge.
I know I've too much yet to learn.
after a bit of experimentation,
after years of trial and error,
I do think I've come to find one truth.
No one is ever what you expect.
Fewer yet,
are what you need.
They key I've come to find,
that one piece that makes the puzzle fall together,
is to find someone who makes your soul quiet,
but your heart scream.
 Oct 2015 Blair
Craig Verlin
You had a tiny, little heart
that let you down.
One that beat to its own rhythm,
slightly off,
tucked away in your chest
as it was.

You had a tiny, little heart
that let you down.
I remember it as you
lay asleep across me,
never slowing.

You had a tiny, little heart
that let you down.
It burnt bright
and then quickly out;
quiet now upon the hospital bed.

You had a tiny, little heart
that let you down.

The rest of you was perfect.
 Oct 2015 Blair
Looking at you
I know
Broken things are still beautiful
A concept for a poem I want to take the time to actually write sometime soon
 Oct 2015 Blair
 Oct 2015 Blair
The panic is setting in.
It started in my ankles,
Shivering its way up
To the sweat on the back of my knees.

Crawling up my thighs in goosebumps
It reaches its slimy, mangled claw
And clenches my stomach,
Digging into my diaphragm
And pulling down.

Breaths turn fragile,
Like butterflies taking flight
And shallow.

The panic
Has set in.
Home life is getting interesting.
 Oct 2015 Blair
 Oct 2015 Blair
i'll let life take me where it may
but  god knows i pray
it takes me back to you
 Oct 2015 Blair
I took a step
back, and I
watched as
you cried,
because if
I took a step
forth, I would
have watched
as you died

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