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like honey off the lips
mellifluous notes
reading from fate's script
turns a man's folly to quotes
I am in the city you hated
In the guts of the very land
which made you tremble
I am in the center of the bruise,
by and by
It is bursting, heavy
My eyes are falling.
First frost
Riming the landscape
A white dawn
Announced by the crow's harsh call
The waning moon hanging
In a cloudless sky
As the rising sun's rays
Twinkle on the frosted fields.
 Nov 2020 BlackAndWhiteStars
 Nov 2020 BlackAndWhiteStars
You are a beautiful sight to look at.
Your light shines when everything's consumed by darkness.
You bring calmness.
There are other things I can stare at but my eyes would always look for you.
the one with the biggest *******
has the most to lose
" live again."

As I meld back into the
scarred infinity,
daffodils blossom
in my frostbitten dimples
giggles run wild,
over the slumbering
the tide's ebbing away
slow and sure,
I kiss the raindrops goodbye,
the child inside,
never seems to die.

"I wish..."
I pass a bush on my morning walk
A big round bush with dark green leaves
Trimmed to be symmetrical.

Today it called as I walked by
Demanding that I turn and see
The first red blossom of the Fall.
The bravest and the quickest one-
Point-bloom for the rest to follow.

As richly red as burgundy,
It seemed to shout “I’m here!
And you can take a moment from
Your busyness to savor
This free gift I’ve made for you.”

Humbled, I stood very still,
Accepting beauty for my soul.
In Nevada flowers bloom in the fall too.  Too hot to bloom in the summer.
the flowers growing on your lips
make it hard to remember
is this a part of me or a pretender?
do I fight this or do I surrender?
I’ll see, with a kiss
from there I’ll go
ohayō, lips
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