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 Dec 2014 Jake
Joe Cole
 Dec 2014 Jake
Joe Cole
YES I warned you of the horror that was to come
But you didn't listen and the invasion has begun
From cracks and crevices in the ground
From dark caverns in the hills
ESIOTROT emerged to devour and to ****

Granny woke this morning
Cried out in great despair
Her carefully tended rose beds
No longer there

They ate the leaves
The bushes and trees
And even devoured a hive of bees
Nothing could survive

They swallowed frogs
Then the cats and dogs
Took piglets from the stye
Gathered by the bakery
Devoured all the apple pies

Why did you not listen, take no note
When I warned of things to come
You said you knew best
I was being a pest
When I said ESIOTROT would come

I looked outside, to my surprise
The tyres from my car had gone
For nothing is safe
No hiding place
When the invaders come

Now if you don't believe in ESIOTROT
Then take a mirror in your hand
ESIOTROT will be revealed
When you turn the word around
 Dec 2014 Jake
 Dec 2014 Jake
i think i'm going to go buy a lighter and something to smoke
and i'm going to put eyeliner on
grab my headphones and take a walk in the woods
 Dec 2014 Jake
Kick Me
 Dec 2014 Jake
I really hate when people say, "just get through it."
Do they not understand the animosity it takes to breath through broken ribs?
Because when your kicked till your down,
And your kicked still on the ground,
How will you get through it when there is no one there to reach out a hand,
Pull you up,
And say, "it will be okay."
Because there is nobody there.
Nobody to take the blows that defeat your lungs,
To soften the hits that crack your bones.
They won't dust you off and pat your back.
But they'll watch the losing battle and tell you to carry on with swollen eyes and blood stained lips.
 Dec 2014 Jake
No matter how hard you try to fix broken relationships, friendships, and people , some things aren't meant to be fixed. You will have no control over this and sometimes all you can do is let it go.
2. You will get your heart broken, a lot. Doesn't matter how prepared you are, it will hurt and maybe for a very long time. But time heals everything and eventually all this will pass by.
3. You will get attached to people you never thought you'll talk to ever and you will tell them your life story, but eventually they will leave and you'll watch them walk away. And it is alright to get sad about it.
4. Take chances and tell people what you think and how you feel. Yes, it will be scary but it will also be satisfying. I think it is important to speak your mind and to be brutally honest, because you'll regret the things you never say and you will also regret some things you say. But always let your thoughts be heard.
5. Stop torturing and comparing yourself to who is better at it. Be happy of who you are because there is no one best at it other than you.
6. Remember, you are your own hero. You are the one that picks yourself up after every time life punches you right in the stomach and hands you all the pain. Don't be so ******* yourself, learn self-love. You'll be happier trust me.
7. Get out of your comfort zone and try different type of things. Amazing things don't happen by doing the exact same things. Change things up a bit in your life cause you might end up getting over a fear or find something you might have true passion for.
8. There are always firsts for everything in life. So go ahead be spontaneous as you can be. Be glad that you're still young cause you've got your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy your adolescent because it will get hectic in the adult world.
9. Have time just for yourself. It's alright to shut the world out for awhile. Sometimes all you need is peace and quiet. Just a time alone to think about important things.
10. Get some sleep and rest. It is the best way to find temporary peace and forget about all the problems you have.
11. Your education and future is very important. Strive to be the best you can be. You know that you can be the best if you're willing to work hard for it. Prioritize and manage your time wisely, trust me it's a good working habit to have in the future.
12. Thank the people who have helped and shaped you to be who you are and where you are right now. Thank the people who have underestimated and misunderstood you, you've became stronger because of this.
13. Know that sometimes the best of your friends will not be in the mood to want to talk about your dilemmas in life, there are times you didn't feel like doing that too, so forgive them for this. But always appreciate the friendships you have, these will be the people who will help you along the way through the hardships in your life, so be grateful always.
14. Don't hold grudges. You will not be happy if you do so, forgive them and you'll be much happier that you took that heavy weight off your chest.
15. One day boys will give you all their attention and ignore you the next day. And then they will flirt and make you special some more time. This will get tiring with, but you baby girl have the power and right to stop putting up with all their games.
16. Stop waiting for things to happen and enjoy life as it is. Stop waiting for the right moment and just for it. Enjoy the surprises life brings to you because sometimes the most amazing things happen when it is unplanned and least expected.
 Dec 2014 Jake
SG Holter
I love my life.
All of it.
Every time the sun warms or
Burns; the rain soothes, or
Stings with angry ice; barrel-hot
Buckshot, I
Thank. Thank for the
I love my life.
All of it.

It's an art.
All of it.
Every time the axe rests above
Your neck mid-air,
Wink at the masked one
Holding the handle.
Thank. Thank for the
Swift awakening
Add years to your dreaming.

It's an art.
All of it.

I love you, poet.
All that is you.
You hold an opposing answer
In each hand, commanding
The chooser to hold
Your gaze and keep
The best readings rest between
Every line drawn.

I love you, poet.
It's an art. All that
Is you. **** well
All of it.

Sleep safe.
Add years to your
 Dec 2014 Jake
Kobayashi Issa
All the time I pray to Buddha
I keep on
killing mosquitoes.
 Dec 2014 Jake
 Dec 2014 Jake
I wish I'd start smoking cigarettes and giving up.
I'd cross my legs, ash tray on table,
i miss my friends
and sometimes i miss the ones i still have
 Dec 2014 Jake
b  l  a  n  k                s  p  a  c  e  s

c  o  l  d       ­              f  a  c  e  s

e  m  p  t  y                 p  l  a  c  e  s

and then theres me… somewhere...
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