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Jun 2018 · 377
The Oxygen of My Heart
She's like the faint sound of wind on a sunny day,
Like the first bite of a meal after hours of not eating,
Like the soft whisper of hope in times of despair,
Like a smile on the day you want it all to end,
Like the slight smell of flowers in an empty field,
Things that are so simple and delicate,
And yet, I cannot live without.
Jun 2018 · 272
Sunlight and Darkness
I sometimes wish I had a camera in my eye so that I could take a mental picture of specific moments of my life and save them.
But then, I find myself wondering:
Do I want to save the moments?
Or the feelings the brought upon me?
So I look at a lot of pictures of us together, and yet, I cannot seem to feel the way you touch me.
I cannot seem to feel the tingle that moves down my spine every time you kiss me.
I cannot seem to feel the happiness that strikes me every time you smile at me.
I cannot seem to feel at home the way I do when I lie down in bed with you.
And then, I ask myself this:
How am I not capable of savoring feelings, when I'm accompanied by the trace of you on every fiber of my being?
Apr 2018 · 303
The Surface of the Water
It baffles me how you're supposed to face your fears in order to overcome them.
It baffles me how we let our fears control our actions and lives.
It baffles me how we let it consume us, and become a part of us that we can't seem to let go of.
But the thing that baffles me the most,
Is that every single person reading this has a fear different from the other,
And that's just the way it goes...
Apr 2018 · 241
Silent Words
The hushed whispers of a conversation.
The song that plays in the background that you can’t quite make out.
The face that looks familiar, but you don’t remember where you’ve seen it.
And you never thought that, maybe, just maybe, you’d be better off not knowing.
Apr 2018 · 423
Save Her From Me
You know what hurts?
Seeing someone so precious think so low of themselves.
You know what hurts?
Seeing the person you love more than life itself, hate their lives.
You know what hurts?
Seeing that one person who has changed your life in so many ways, feel like they’re not good enough for you.
You know what hurts?
Seeing that same person cry.
And what hurts the most you might ask?
Knowing that you’re the reason behind that person’s suffering.
Mar 2018 · 475
Only Her
I hope you're finding yourself in my words because the whole world is waiting for you.
Mar 2018 · 317
Cloak of Invisibility
So much light in this world.
So much to love and appreciate.
And yet we only seem to see the darkness.
So much God given art.
So much peace and love.
And yet we only seem to see war and hatred.
So much beauty…
And yet it is all invisible to us.
Why do we look but not actually see?
Why is it so hard for us to see past the things that blind us in life?
Maybe it’s because the things that blind us are more than we can possibly handle.
Or maybe it’s because we are too stubborn to see the beauty in a world full of darkness and hatred.
Mar 2018 · 303
Selfishly Selfless
If you must leave,
Do it now.
Without telling me why.
Without telling me how.
And never come back.
But stay.
Stay and make memories with me.
Stay and tell me how much you love me.
Don’t go.
Don’t leave.
And stay with me forever.
Mar 2018 · 491
The Beauty of the Flower
Appreciate more.
Love more.
Wish for more.
See more.
Listen more.
It’s astonishing what we can accomplish when we decide to use our senses and sentiments in the purest ways.
And maybe someday,
Just maybe,
We will be able to love ourselves and our lives more.
Mar 2018 · 645
Save Me From Myself
Sometimes the silence is more damaging than the chaos.
Sometimes you’re so mesmerized by all the voices and actions happening around you that you forget to think.
You forget what it’s like to have to sit down and acknowledge every single thing around you.
You just watch and get entertained.
And then, the silences comes in.
And you’re left there, sitting, hearing the sound of your own breath - hearing the sound of your thoughts.
Your thoughts cannot be censored in the silence.
The darkest thought you will ever have, the hardest decision you will ever make, will be in silence.
You torture yourself.
You torture your mind and your soul.
You start to hate yourself.
You start to hate your existence.
You blame yourself for the way you are.
And then they tell you that you need to find a place where you can silence everyone around you and just think.
But what I really want to silence is not around me, it’s inside of me,
And the sad thing is that:
I can never escape it.

— The End —