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 Jan 2016 Emily
red dragon
 Jan 2016 Emily
red dragon
when I speak I speak
only of love.
when I breathe I breathe in the
curiosity of sin.
when I exhale --I exhale the
beauty of living.

as I wander in the darkness of life
I seek out the

when in doubt
I somehow find that the
darkness and light

even the best fall down,
the stars shine even
when they don't want to,
so why can't I.

life is full of wonders,
I will find them one by one,
hundreds of hundreds,
I will find why life
is worthwhile.
 Jan 2016 Emily
Soham Chakraborty
They told me she died.
So I woke up in the graveyard of my dead dreams,
Took up my trusted shovel,
And like a good old country lad,
Decided to dig her up.

They told me she died.
But I knew they had to be wrong.
Why, there she lay, as unattainable as ever,
Smiling smugly from her coffin,
Mocking me with her fake omniscience.
For Death, may be a great leveller,
And make sceptre and crown
Just tumble down,
But not so her beauty.

They told me she died.
But how could i believe them,
After knowing her wicked wit of Solomon.
With which all her life,
She didn't let death so much as touch her beauty,
For she hid it so deep within,
Veiled beneath the layers of toughness
And faded tee’s,
That even a soldier camouflaging her scarlet skin,
Would be put to shame.

They told me she died.
But they didn't bury her beside me.
But by another man’s side.
Because he was man enough to ask
What i should’ve,
And now she lies buried,
As his bride.
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