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 May 2017 Aurelia
The thought of you crossed my mind again today
For the first time, it didn't bring a smile
It brought chaos to my head
Sending my emotions into overdrive
What if I actually love you?
I'm not afraid of love
Just scared you don't feel the same
Isn't that the most terrifying possibility of all?
To love but never be loved in return
Like watching someone else's back
Before a dagger goes straight through yours
 May 2017 Aurelia
Please let me know before I fall in love
With any more broken memories;
Are you going to change?
Because I’m tired of looking back
And missing how things used to be.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Sinking feelings accompany me now, a light shines afar beckoning.
A weapon clings to my hand, that shall bring upon the pain I believe I deserve.
A flash of reason and discarded is my foe.
I clutch myself and weep a sea of sorrow.

Slice your wrist you incompetent ****!!!

No, I shall not for this is not me, for a smile is branded upon this mask and is who I want to be.

But you are much too small to surpass my might!!!

Maybe, but friends are purer than thee and hold me upright.

Help I shall seek as your darkness cloaks the truth. Alone I am not for surrounded am I, this pill doth cleanse my mind and balance is ****** upon impurity. No longer do I fight alone as this battle is best fought with an army, my wrist remains clean but where are you now? You are alone in place of me, no longer shall you spit heresy on my values as I am my own person and you are not me.
This poem describes my recent battles with depression.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Why does hate infect the kind and forgiving?
Perhaps not external but internal.
Inside a demon lies but outside a compassionate personality doth reside.
Unkind thoughts bottled in a small container bursts at the seams. Red drips downwards and a tear rolls, is this the cure or a mistake? The answer fades. A pure soul disappears and a light dissipates into darkness.

Depression is but an invisible barrier that shields the truth. Unsuspecting are the onlookers of this world to the true horror within. They say it came out of nowhere, but well hidden were the signs. Thoughts kept to one's self creates only poison. A poison so dark it consumes the spirit before the body, many people relate but few speak out. Pain is what they feel, and feel they deserve. Help is there but the dark curtain conceals this obvious truth. The hardest journey is surpassing the barrier that poisons the mind and into the light of truth, not final relief.
 May 2017 Aurelia
blue mercury
sometimes love leaves you
longing, for something
your fingers can’t touch,
and your mind can’t identify.

sometimes love leaves you
blackout nights/headache in the a.m,
can’t move, your body’s heavy and
last night’s a blur.

sometimes love leaves you
lines and lines of whispers,
words that you can only
give to 11:11 wishes, and midnight.

sometimes love(rs) leave;
going like a vagabond,
wanting none of your time,
the ache in your chest
 May 2017 Aurelia
Why does the sky shine so bright on such a deafened world? Kids crying, bombs flying, parents trying...people dying. Words fall on deaf ears as the first world forgets the rest. They tap upon glowing glass as hundreds drop down, defeated after a long battle. Food forgotten could feed the unfortunate. Water unsafe, a long gone worry. That small child that passed, has no home to roam, you keep your dime which ends their time. So who are we to deserve that sky, upon wishes cast, why are ours fulfilled. Reprimanded are the poor though we are the blind. What has this world become, where is everyone's welcome? Born in the third to never reach first, we are the greedy that cast out the needy. Why do we fight over land so bland? For black gold that fuels our mechanical mules that for no good reason do poison our Eden, So why, I do ask, are we still here reading when we could help those who are pleading. Forget narrow thoughts and rescue those leaving.
My opinion on the state of the world.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Alex McQuate
The bugs have overwhelmed my deet defence,
So I've retreated behind the screen door,
Smoking by the doorway, leaning back in a chair,
Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, and Christine McVie are haunting me with their words,
To never break the chain...
My eyes feel like there's grit in them,
I drink a glass of water to rehydrate a bit,
To counteract the cigarette's sting,
Of 2 packs smoked when I should have only smoked one.
I feel like a record player, and my table belt is just slightly off kilter,
Making me so my rounds just a little too fast,
Just fast enough to be noticeable and an annoyance.
13% battery left,
How many more can I do?
The Chain-Fleetwood Mac
 May 2017 Aurelia
 May 2017 Aurelia
by heart way
moves the love
a little forward
Every time
I near to the goal post
to convey my heart
She moves
her love post
little farther...
 May 2017 Aurelia
B L Costello
It happened again
She is still “his wife”,
The police took the gun,
She’ll sharpen the knife
Things don’t always turn out like you plan,
You must take matters into your own hands,
Years of abuse,
Fear and deceit,
Eventually…he’ll go to sleep,
So many long years!
God how she’s tried,
He’s starting to snore,
She must decide,
So long she thought,
“Someone will save me”,
Work kept her busy,
Then…the baby,
The police always come,
But they never seem to help,
Tonight she’s gonna take care of herself
Anxious for what her choices can bring,
She hopes she is brave and the phone doesn’t ring
© B L Costello 2017
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