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 Nov 2017 Simon
 Nov 2017 Simon
At the rooftop sitting,
My mind keeps on wondering.
Sun has set minutes ago,
But everything seems so slow.
As the wind touches my skin,
The feeling of sadness comes crashing in.
All I see is darkness,
Making everything look heartless.
 Nov 2017 Simon
We live in a world full of everything
we have the happy
we have the sad
we have the angry
we have the glad
we have food
we have houses
we have feuds
we have spouses
we have the glowing
we have defeat
we have the outgoing
we have those who retreat

As we go through life
with our eyes pressed forward
we never stop to look at the ones who "don't have"
those who are hurting
those who are sad
those who are crying
those who are mad
those who have no houses
those who have no food
those who have no spouses
those who live in a constant fued
those who are covered in strife
those who are broke
those who are done with life
and willing to choke

So my challenge to you is next time you walk outside
next time you start to ignore
instead of worrying of only yourself
help someone through the door
stop putting them on the shelf
help them off the floor
and think of something other than yourself
a lot more
I hope that when you hear a cry for help, you do.
Whether you're tight on money or not.
We can always afford to do something even a little.
Whether that's a conversation, food, shelter, money, or love.
When someone is crying out, ask yourself this.

What's stopping me?
 Nov 2017 Simon
Lily X
 Nov 2017 Simon
Lily X
I wake up aching.
Most days.
My body sore from bruises camouflaged as smiles.
Sore from the elephant that has found its home on my chest.
Aching from my lead-filled heart and my poisoned arteries.
But my body is persistent.
It grips onto life with its bony claws, grasping pathetically at signs of hope.

Just give up already.
For a friend who thought they were alone.

— The End —