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Sharon Talbot
Massachusetts, USA    Teacher, writer, introvert, dreamer.
16/F/nonexistent    Just random rambles by sleep deprived, insomniac, three am me. Also I'm here if anyone needs/wants to talk. Message me whenever <3 (also all my …
13/F/NJ/silently screaming    I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …
Jeremy Betts
42/M/Washington State   
30/M/France    Someday I'll make sense
75/M/South Florida    Rough draft for a masterpiece -old songs for new
Nathan A Brock
M/Behind You    Yes, I can recite The Raven from memory. Yes, I know you didn't ask.
F/East Coast    My poetry is copywritten and not to be used unless I give written permission. Beautiful Heart is available on Amazon. com and Barnes and …
F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
17/F    it’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair
23/M/North Korea   
Katarzyna Anna Koziorowska
34/F/Olsztyn    My name is Katarzyna Anna Koziorowska, I am thirty-three years old and I live in Poland (Olsztyn). English is not my native language. In my …
16/F/A shitty place   
where East meets West    Feeling Playing Recycling myself Writing as a way of being together
Deep Within The Field    “There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you …
Amanda fancy
22/F/Mumbai    Instagram:pooh_inked
31/M/78045    #Proud Father #Author #Poet #Health&FitnessAdvocate #StoryTeller #Healing-Writer #Inspirational Speaker #Certified Anti-HumanTraffickingAdvocate
You've Been Timetabled
The Exclusion Zone    Reposts of great work from HP writers, so they can be spotlighted and not lost. Inspired by ScriptedReposts. And dedicated to all the reposters on …
28/M/NYC    I am a man making his way from this life into the next. Writing poetry until eternity calls for my last breath. All work is …
Isaac afunadhula
20/M/kireaka    A hankering for writing is the furnace in me and I want to use it to light up worlds that have been dull and dark
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